The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I think it's his response to people saying the LLO was going downhill.
    penfoldex likes this.
  2. One point for Spenser, he explained it perfectly :p
    penfoldex likes this.
  3. oh gosh i feel dumb-
  4. As I said before. the constitution states in section III about point 6 or 7 that anyone is free to make a town and make it part of the New Republic.
  5. I am the director of Oakville, pretty much meaning I will manage stuff with the other government leaders. :D We can discuss more about Oakville tommorow.
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. Last time I checked, that was Pat2011, as he is mayor.
    pat2011 and mba2012 like this.
  7. Firstly, why do we need the militia there? EDIT: Let me rephrase this; It would cause some confusion if we had the militia in such a small town. And secondly, Then how did Wrem get "deemed"?
  8. Alrighty then.
  9. Because Wrem is an official city of the New Republic.
    As for Oakville, for the last time we(the Militia) are open to it.
    The officials of the New Republic will decide on what to do for Oakville tomorrow and the Militia will comply with their stance.
    The Militia is here to help the citizens of the New Republic and protect all of their and the government's property. That includes Izzio, Wrem and Oakville if it falls under that same banner as the first two.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  10. Ok. I've come up with a way to end some of this pointless arguing.

    The current revision of building restrictions.
    The revision of building restrictions. Changes are in red. Removed sections are crossed.
    The new building restrictions for the New Republic are as follows. The below restrictions are final for this revision as of date (GMT) June 3, 2013 at 5:50am.
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  11. Note I: Changes have been made to the above post.
    Note II: Restrictions regarding canals and roadways have been added to the above post.

    All information regarding claiming of land is below.
    When claiming land please contact the people listed below.
    More information coming in the future.
  12. Please note that myself, and the militia for that matter, are in support of the current actions of the socialist party.

    Also dean, let me know when this debate is going on, id like an invite :)
    KoenJanssen and Dean_Catterson like this.
  13. As secretary of state, i will use my full power to punish any offenders of griefing/protesting and they will be punished to the fullest extent possible.
  14. "Rebelitionist?"

    As Secretary of State, your citizenship within the new republic has now been revoked indefinitely.
  15. You were there when the protesting happened? You are withholding information from the new republic about who is responsible for grefing? I'd tread lightly on this subject if i were you.

    Sorry, we have 0% tolerance on this kind of thing here.
  16. He did nothing to harm you or anyone in the New Republic. Everything in his post is allowed under the New Republic's constitution. Maybe you need to read it again, or I'll pull out the constitution again and get you taken out of power.
    L0tad, matthew12hydro and brickstrike like this.
  17. "Neorepublicans have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of economic self-interest, providing it does not unfairly jeopardize the self-interest of others."

    So you are telling me that "Rebelitionists" do not jeopardize the self-interest of others?

    "Neorepublicans have the right to protection as prescribed by the Empire Minecraft Ten Commandments by both EMC staff and the state"

    Citizens will be protected from "Rebelitionists" in this matter.

    "The State may only exercise its power to fulfill its responsibilities to the Neorepublican people."

    This is exactly what im doing by revoking citizenship.

    "The State may punish any person who deprives a Neorepublican of their liberty unfairly, using means no greater than contacting a moderator with the request of banning an offender to punish someone."

    In this matter, we have to assume that "Rebelitionists" could be responsible for the griefings in Wrem. The state is punishing specifically "Rebelitionists" harshly for this reason.

    Maybe you need an attitude adjustment there mba...

    And by no means do you have reason, nor authority to take me out of power. I am looking out for the best interests of the people.

    The fact that you are not happy with the revocation of this players citizenship could lead people to assume that you may be a "Rebelitionist" also. Be careful with what you say there...
    ants4235 likes this.
  18. wisepsn, 72Volt, L0tad and 2 others like this.
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