The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I am so late, lol, but I would LOVE to join and even help! :D
    mba2012, 72Volt, L0tad and 2 others like this.
  2. You will be invited to conversation cell g soon

    Also...I am proud to announce, the opining of our first route "route one"

    It is a simple path to pazzo, go look west of wren an d tell me what you think
  3. Holly, the interim mayor of Wrem has been putting warnings for nothing in Wrem. I believe he should be educated on how warnings work. Then everyone wouldn't be so agitated.
  4. Those are some strong words, brickstrike. I will discuss the matter with him, hollyhill105 has the potential to be a great mayor.
  5. Ooh, the route naming is just like the Pokemon games :D
  6. Um...wot
    brickstrike likes this.
  7. The name of the first route is Route One. That's how roads are named in the Pokemon games. The word 'Route', followed by a number.
    L0tad likes this.
  8. I disagree, but it's your choice, I think you should leave it to the people to decide.
  9. I agree he has the potential -- it's just the way he has been doing it so far is not the best. Adderwolf and L0tad both agree on this because when a person gets a "no roof" warning, it is not a good thing to see. I don't mean to sound mean, I am just a little bit frustrated with it.
    L0tad likes this.
  10. The Socialist Party will see out his current term as Interim mayor. Since my involvement here will be limited, we will be exploring options as to who will take the role as Mayor. The Socialist Party will continue to be the controlling party of Wrem for all of the forseable future. I'm going to continue my holiday now.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  11. I agree. matthew12hydro got three warnings. 1 for not using the "right" material (he is building his place out of birch planks and sandstone), another for not lighting it up (it was perfectly lit up), and the last one for not having a roof (he was constructing the building, of course he didn't have a roof). And, let's not forget how brick got 3 warnings in one night, when he wasn't even on.
    L0tad likes this.
  12. I was under the assumption that the NR national government was in charge
  13. I meant as in dealing with localised matters such as lighting and the NO GRASS policy, Wrem is of course ran by the NR gov, but since it cannot handle everything, its helpful to have people keeping on top of such things
    L0tad and 72Volt like this.
  14. Why can't people read and follow the rules for Wrem? I mean they should go through an application test to see if they have the knowledge to know the rules on building in Wrem. It's real simple, but from what I see, very hard for people to comprehend. Just speaking the truth, no disrespect towards anyone.
  15. So...I Kinda had a moment. If that was made after pokemon, odds are that it has a major impact of my planning, and, my look relieved allot. Apparently, the games had a big impact on my subconscious (you could tell seance i am named after a pokemon), and my maps for the new republic look like a pokemon setup, even my plan to divide up the wild into regions. I even marked a spot to build a pokemon center on one map (I know, i am as confused as you).

    The wield part is, this is the first time i have thought of the game in months, and haven't played a pokemon, or Nintendo game for that matter is 10 months....I guess what they say is true, some stories do stay with you forever.
    Song of the night

    a mini riot, well, time to time action. The planning department of NR calls for reform in building codes. we will release new codes tomorrow. If the Grand Minister Volt approves of these, it will override the local building codes. If a large, violent protest starts, it will give emergency control to a disaster minister, who will direct our top general to move our military into the area.

    I ask of the people of NR, to start signing a petition to change the werm building code, do not start demonstration. This is inexcusable though.
    brickstrike and pat2011 like this.
  17. Anti-Communist protest at Wrem recently. T 2013-06-01_21.43.13.png 2013-06-01_21.43.05.png 2013-06-01_21.43.21.png he protesters wish to remain unknown.

    Attached Files:

    Dean_Catterson and L0tad like this.
  18. Well... This is bad.
    L0tad likes this.
  19. So I found out that the riot was caused by The People. I guess it's the people. :/
    L0tad likes this.
  20. Ok, due to the nature of the game of Minecraft I have reviewed some of the building restrictions. The current restrictions regarding infrastructure are as follows:
    This is the review for the restrictions. Changes are in red. All removed restrictions are crossed out.
    So, to review the changes made.
    • A permit is no longer required to build something.
    • To claim land
    The final reviewed restrictions are as follows:
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