Is there somewhere we can go to see ALL flags enabled on EMC? I've checked the Guide, but I keep hearing of other flags not listed there or in the in-game help. Things like buckets.
Jackbiggin made a guide, I'll go get a link and edit into this post real quick.
This is not the correct place to post this. But to answer your question anyway, it's a simple photoshop job. But I think there may also be a signature maker. But please ask somewhere else.
Can there possibly be a flag for trading with villagers or put villager trading under the Use catagory?
Aikar has says that he has added a new villager flag - - but it's not here so it probably hasn't been deployed yet.
I'm glad to see the minecart flag. Is there a way that I can allow people to ride in my minecart but not take it? I'd really like to let any visitors have fun with my minecart track but I don't want to log in and find that the cart is gone.
Yeah, I know that. Ender chests ARE suppose to be public, but for people that just want to use ender chests for themselves ( LOL ) might want the flag. Its a suggestion though!! And only 50% of the votes were at least somewhat supportive ._. So, for the 8 that voted that their grandma could come up with a better idea, lets see what they got implemented... XD EDIT: #InYoFace