make villager eggs spawn children

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by taleden, Apr 2, 2013.

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  1. As far as I've ever seen, killing baby animals yields no drops. Minecraftwiki implies this as well:
    Also, as far as I know eggifying a baby villager works just fine and gives you a villager egg.
  2. First, I think you're vastly exaggerating the probabilities involved. There aren't THAT many possible trades unless you're counting every different price point as a separate trade, and then you're just being greedy and refusing to i.e. trade 21 wheat for an emerald because you insist on only accepting the best possible price of 18. If you have 100 villagers on your res, there's a decent chance one of them will have any given trade; if you cycle all 100 every 20 minutes (as the children grow up) you're going to get what you're looking for in a reasonable amount of time. The key word being "reasonable" -- eggifying and respawning all your adult villagers every two minutes is not reasonable to me, it's excessive and an exploit that was not intended in Minecraft.

    Besides which, if it takes a little longer to get good villager trades than it does to get animal drops, I'd say that's working as intended; villager trades are more valuable than animal drops, so they're rightly designed to be a little harder to get. A game is not a game if it has no risk:reward or effort:reward balance.
  3. No, it's about the same actually. You can "just feed" your animals, but it takes 20 minutes for the baby animal to become an adult and you can't feed the parents again for 5 minutes. Villagers are exactly the same, as long as there are enough "houses" nearby the adults will breed every few minutes on their own, and the babies take 20 minutes to mature. So the total amount of population growth per 20 minutes is the same for both, I think.
  4. actually there are, try getting a silk touch pick from a villager, takes hours with the current system (believe me ive tried)
    take this chart and add in doubles, triples and sextuples and you will see it already is hard to get good trades:
    i assume you are submitting this with a villager spawner too implying you are pushing it from a point of privilege. think about it this way, it takes very few sheep to be uneggied in 20 minutes to produce massive quantities of wool. it takes considerably more time to even get two villagers to breed much less to get them to breed the villager type you want and even less likely to have the trade u want. if anything animal eggies need to be harder
  5. No, it is a bit more complex than that. Villagers will only mate if they are both "in the mood for love" and are close enough to each other, making charting villager growth much more complex, and dependent on the spawner achitecture.
  6. there is a whole different amount of time for them to "find" eachother without ample villagers nearby the time they are able to breed again is also more because of this. plus you have to build a massive complex to make them keep doing it, animals require nothing except for the food they dont even need to be near each other really
  7. Silk touch is a very powerful and rare enchantment, it's *supposed* to be hard to get, no matter if you do it yourself at a table, or enchant a book yourself, or try to get it from a villager. Right now, with the adult villager egg spam exploit, it's way easier to get it from a villager than any other way, and that's what I think is not intended and a little broken.

    Also, for the record I do not have a villager breeder/cycler built yet. I was working on designing one when I realized it was pointless on EMC because everybody else just abuses the egg thing so I should just do that too, but the more I thought about it the more I felt dirty going that route, which is why I came here to suggest the change.

    That said, building a villager breeder is really not very difficult at all. You have to understand the game mechanics behind villager breeding, and they can be a little confusing, but so is redstone and figuring that stuff out is part of the fun of the game, right?
  8. No, you don't need a massive complex. A breeder can support 28 villagers in a 9x9x11 space. How big are most people's animal pens? Not much smaller I think.
  9. Actually, I take that back, you can theoretically support 7*N villagers in a 5xNx11 space where N can be as big or small as you like, although that requires the villagers to be among the doors which can get... loud.
  10. 2 double chests for emeralds? Seems I'm not the only one who plans to profit off this hugely...

  11. They're empty, actually, and I'll be happy to post proof when I get home if that's really a concern to you. But I'd like to know how you got into my house in the first place, since it should be sealed and nobody has use permissions on my res. Do you know an exploit to get through solid blocks?
  12. it already is hard to get, what you are talking about would make it night impossible in a feasible amount of time (i worked for four hours to get one non stop eggying and uneggying)

    the core difference between a animal and a villager is you are guaranteed to get atleast one of what you want from whatever animal every time you use/kill it a villager this is not the case. so you can have the 28 villagers and they are all useless or you can have a 5x3 fence and breed whatever animal to get exactly what you want.

    comparatively its like saying "i dont think sugarcane should grow as fast as potatos because paper is so easy to get and potatoes are basically worthless" except the sugarcane isnt guaranteed to give you paper and you end up with a boatload of sugar

    if you feel its cheating thats cool, dont do it, get all your villagers from the wild and pen them using minecarts. i have yet to see anyone instantly making profit off two villagers tho and doubt this would be liked by the general populace
  13. :)
  14. Yes, you're right, it's easier to get drops from animals than it is to get specific trades from villagers. That is how Minecraft was designed, on purpose, by Notch and Jeb. EMC has accidentally changed that design because of eggifying, which was not intended in vanilla Minecraft, and it sounds like you're arguing that this is okay because it's convenient and you want to get villager trades just as easily as animal drops. So if you're going to make that argument, then why don't we have cows drop wither skulls, or hey, even nether stars, because I would like to get those things just as easily as other animal drops. But that's ridiculous, right? Wither skulls and nether stars are supposed to be hard to get; so are silk touch enchantments.

    The things that are hard to get in Minecraft are hard to get for a reason. Arguing that it should be easier just because it's convenient and you like things to be easier just doesn't convince me, sorry.
  15. You've picked the wrong server to play on if you want a vanilla experience, Because EMC town is pretty much as far away from vanilla as possible in terms of mechanics.
    penfoldex, jkjkjk182 and bitemenow15 like this.
  16. No, I tried a lot of servers before I found EMC, and clearly I stayed here and donate money every month because I think it's the best one out there. But part of the reason for that is that EMC is vanilla except when there's a good reason; all of the non-vanilla things in EMC are well justified in order to make the multiplayer experience better and not either total anarchy or fascism. In this case, making villager trading way way easier than vanilla does not serve any good purpose to improve the experience, it's just easier and that's all. Nothing else in EMC is just easier because easier, which makes this difference out of place to me, and it seems Aikar at least agrees.
  17. ^exactly its not easy as ive said before it takes time, and alot of it to get what you want. the argument im making is not that its easier to get animals drops, only that it is guaranteed unlike a villager trade (even the common ones) i assume you live in town like everyone else so if you are so interested in vanilla, unclaim your res and move out to the wild permanently because you are cheating by living in town.
  18. And I like it that way. I like having a unique EMC-flavored town. And a more vanilla (though still unique) EMC-flavored wilderness. :D
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. Also, look at it this way, This method has been in the game for nearly a YEAR, Removing this will cause hyper-inflation on many items in the game (Glowstone, EXP bottles, Emeralds, Enchanted books and picks for example) NOBODY before today has complained about this - Clearly it's not an issue that many of the population have a problem with.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  20. If Villager trading was so easy and profitable compared to animals everyone would be doing it on a large scale. It's boring, monotonous, and most people don't bother with it. The people who are making any significant amount of Rupees doing it are spending a LOT of time at it. We don't see the work they've put into getting the rewards.

    To breed/harvest animals you just stick them in a pen and feed them the proper food. To harvest animals, you kill them or clip their Wool. It's elementary Minecraft.

    To breed Villagers, you have to build a special structure and understand what makes them breed. You can't force them to breed like animals. You have to stay nearby until they are ready. To harvest them you have to have also built a farm for whatever you are trading for and harvest product from it. Then you have to go through a sleep inducing process of running back and forth between a chest and your trading station and clicking to trade or clicking to egg, un-egg, or make trades.

    You can't compare Villagers one for one with animals. Also, the old, "It's not Vanilla" argument doesn't fly either. That gets marched around every time someone doesn't like what's being done. The opposite argument that "EMC is not vanilla" also gets used whenever someone wants to convince us that something non-Vanilla is good. EMC is what it is. Everyone will like some things and not others regardless of what is done or allowed here.

    Every farm or generator here is taking advantage of at least one game mechanic. Some are of Minecraft and some are of EMC origin. To say that one is unfair or doesn't belong suggests to me that they ALL should be questioned. The real motivator for all of them is the all powerful Rupee. If it weren't for the shop system, we would just be collecting what we could use or trade. The Rupee is an intrinsic part of EMC and as long as we have a shop system, there will be people trying to take advantage of game mechanics. No one would argue that we should remove it from the server because some people don't like it. Well, except maybe ICC and his "secret" plan.

    Maybe it's just me, but these threads always seem to stack up the same. The people arguing against something like this haven't actually tried to do whatever they are against so they think there's some sort of magic advantage the people who are actually going to the trouble to do it have instead of a little knowledge and motivation.

    I personally don't bother with them much because the time put into them doesn't seem worth what I get. Yet others think that it is worth it, so I say good for them.
    penfoldex, margaritte, Kadboy and 4 others like this.
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