Granted, but _______ turns out to be the key piece of evidence in a federal investigation. You are never seen or heard from again... I wish my netbook was faster.
Granted but its to fast for u so u gave it to me to use I wish for a higher pay without getting fired
Your doing this wrong, you HAVE to corrupt people's wishes, follow the rules would you. The bacon is cold. I wish for people to follow the rules.
The first was reply was replying to the quote, not an actual reply.... also, I like cold bacon. Bacon is always good. So you failed. Well, too bad, the rules are made to be broken. P.S Don't get so butthurt about rules
Really dude really? You barely even follow the rules. In another thread I saw you couldn't even follow them! If you think rules are suppose to be broken try breaking the server rules. I doubt you would though. P.S Why don't you follow the rules on game threads now okay?
You're not right now either LOL. Hippopotacrite. <-- (Yes, hippopotacrite. Bite me bro.) Didn't even make a wish. Also technically there are no specific set rules in the OP, just a main topic/game which is corrupting wishes which you are currently not doing which is making me not do it. Don't forget that he specifically did not say you can't reply to others posts did he? And I denied the person's below me which means I did follow the rules. Let's get back on track and stop being butthurt. PLEASE? I wish for people to stop being butthurt.
Granted, but now other things hurt. Like spleens. Everyone is now spleenhurt. I wish for something silly enough to make a clown laugh himself to death.
If u guys want to argue over rules, I'll help make the rules for this thread... RULES/STEPS 1. Quote the previos wish so we know the wish you are corupting Example: [Look above] 2. If there is a wish before your post, corrupt it. Example: Me: I wish for bacon You: Granted but its to hot for you to handle 3. Make a wish after you corrupt it. Example: Me: I wish for more bacon 4. If there is anything you want to say about a wish, put it after your wish. Example: Me: I wish for even more bacon * I like bacon very much! 5. Wait for a reply and do over again. Any question/comments/concerns? Just do what was told in step 4 or just PM me.
Don't make it worse please. And plus I don't want to drag this out. It takes 10 hours to load the world! I wish for free money and food.