*911* What's your emergency?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BrickStrike, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Shit, damn, and hell are allowed on this server. Maxarias and several mods have said they were fine.
  2. S***? Really? I'm pretty sure that's a swear. I know damn and hell are allowed, and i'm pretty sure the A word (Don't want so say it just in case) Is allowed, but S***?
    jtc0999 likes this.
  3. Yes, all 4 of those words are allowed:
    However,like everything, it depends on how you use them - If it's like 'S**T, I died and lost my diamonds!' - that's allowed ... If it's like ... 'Wow, eklektoi - you are a piece of S**T' ... That would be a direct offence towards someone which would be frowned upon.

    I'm glad you removed the second one ... as for the first one, no I never saw the video - And if it's offensive like that, I wouldn't search for it - Like I said previously, just because something is funny, and just because someone watches a video on youtube - doesn't mean it's always okay to quote or say some of the things said from posts and videos that you see ... they may be offensive to others.
    NINJATTILA and PandasEatRamen like this.
  4. Why you be picking on eklektoi?
  5. (Has to go to the bathroom)
    *Man* I gotta go, I need help! HELP ME!
    Uhh uhhh (Picks up phone and calls 911)
    *Operator* 911, Whats your emergency?
    *Man* DON'T SAY THAT!(get it? Emergency, bathroom? Oh nvm)
    *Operator* O_O......*BEEP BEEP BEEP*
  6. *Me* I want to be a pie.
    *Le Mom* Honey NOOOOOOOO (looking in the oven at a pie hehehe)
    *Le Dad* What did I tell you would happen? Too much pie for you is bad!
    *Le Mom* But sweetheart can't we do something?
    *Le Dad* Yes lets call the police.
    *911* What's your emergency?
    *Le Dad* Our son baked himself into a pie!
    *911* What flavor?
    *Le Dad* I don't know let me taste him.
    *Le Dad* Oh my god its delicious! Its blueberry!
    *911* Can I have some?
    *Le Dad* No I just finished the last bite of him.
    * 911* Awww... Now I have to arrest you for eating your son.
    *Le Dad* I kid.... TROLOLO
    AmusedStew likes this.
  7. Ok....
    Then why did i get Temp. ban 2 hours by saying S***?
  8. *911* What's your emergency?
    *robber sounds in background* hmmm I forgot... WAIT I REMEMBERED it was... wait... oh yeah I can't decide what to eat for breakfast!
  9. I read this to late... "minecrafter term, jk"
  10. In case you didn't know. WCG_Elite = Eklektoi

    Not only what Eklek/WCG said, but it does depend on the mods as well I believe.
    adsingh likes this.

  11. My bad. I didn't know, sorry.
    PandasEatRamen and jacob5089 like this.
  12. It's 999 in my country...i'll use that instead :p

    999: What seems to be the problem?
    Me: Come, break me down
    Bury me, Bury me
    I am finished with you
    Look in my eyes
    You're killing me, killing me
    All I wanted was you
    Me: I tried to be someone else
    But nothing seemed to change
    I know now: this is who I really am inside
    I Finally found myself
    Fighting for a chance
    I know now, THIS IS WHO I REALLY AM
    999: *Hangs up*
    Me: ...
    999: We have another 30 Seconds To Mars freak.... I think the last one was the guy's mother.
    shade554 likes this.
  13. 911: Hello, what is the emergency?
    Me: I THINK I'M A POTATO!!!!!
    (Okay, now to the real one.)
    911: Hello, what seems to be the emergency?
    Me: I dunno.
    911: Why did you call then?
    Me: I dunno.
    911: Can you say something other then I dunno?
    Me: I dunno.
    911: Sir, cooperate with us please, what is your emergency?
    Me: I dunno..
    *Hangs up*
    creeper3846 likes this.
  14. *me* Dial's 911.
    *911* 911, What your emergency.
    *me* * whispers * Sleeping is my drug.
    *911* Excuse me. Sir, are you under a controlled substance.
    *me* * whispers* My bed is my dealer.
    *911* What? Sir do you need medical assisstance.
    *me* * whispers *And my alarm clock
    *911* And your alarm clock is what Sir.
    *me* * screams * IS THE POLICE!!!! * giggles, then hangs up*
    *911* Well then. I guess college is on spring break already.
    shade554 likes this.
  15. *911* What's your emergency?

    (bumpers, since this is my thread, I am allowed to :p)
  16. of course you would
  17. >_< No one gets in trouble for bumping their owns threads (speaking of which)
    I am also updating the main post to have some more rules.
  18. *911* 911 what's your emergency
    *me* Your car is on fire
    *911* MY CAR?!?!
    (911 hangs up to take care of the car which is not really on fire)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
    *Calls 911* Hello 911 emergency, theres a handsome man in my house!
    Oh wait, never mind, its just me
    *Hangs up*

    Oh Johnny....
    Inuyasha1204 and brickstrike like this.