In addition . . . if there is a chance that a man or woman could be put to death wrongfully, then a death penalty would be unjust and ineffective.
Absolutely not. I hold to myself many morals, including that our species must be served. It is a waste of resources to kill a human being in any situation, including as punishment. No human being is so evil they should be killed, nobody is beyond redemption. Nobody. Not even Hitler. If he was stood for trial, rehabilitated in prison so he wouldn't do it again, and spent the rest of his life trying to bring a revolution of goodwill to the world to outbalance the Holocaust and he succeeded, I'd personally forgive him. Yes, that's controversial. But he's human too, you know. He was one of the worst human beings in history, but if people treated him with the goal of rehabilitation which prevented him from doing something like the Holocaust again and motivated him to make up for it, maybe our perception of him would've been a lot different. But of course that never happened. So not only is Hitler one of the worst people in human history, he's also partially a demonstration of human failure to rehabilitate their fellow man.
I dont think its effective whats so ever, when it takes upward of 20 years to actually get executed and costing more money than life without parole.
I'll let this stay for now since it's pretty calm, but it's getting locked if it gets out of hand. I think an interesting viewpoint to think of on the death penalty is who the individual is and what they have to live for. Many criminals would rather die than have to grow old in prison, but others want to live. For those who want to die (going to use the Al-Quida organization as an example) - I see the death penalty being ineffective, for the others - I'd see an effective deterrent. But honestly, it's really an opinionated subject and the reason there is such debate is because there's not exactly a right answer.
I'm surprised people are saying that this is the worse end of the spectrum. What would you prefer? Dying outright for a crime and ending it at that.. Or spending 60+ years doing nothing more than sitting in a prison, probably a violent prison, worrying about being killed by a makeshift weapon, dwelling on the stuff you did wrong. As far as I'm concerned, serving a life sentence is far more severe than the death penalty. Because you're still condemned to death, either way. On the subject of killing the wrong person, it would likely be years before enough evidence turns up to remove someone from a life sentence. At this point, they would probably come out being more criminally inclined than any normal person ever would be. While this isn't everyone, the death sentence doesn't affect everyone either.
Yes, this a million times yes. No, it does not. It is not hyperbole it is truth. My current avatar picture is based off the comic book Bedlam. On the cover it asks the question, "Is evil just something you are or something you do?". It follows the journey of a serial killer and his journey of recovery. It is a very smart comic and I highly suggest reading it.
This is one of the ways our system is flawed. It institutionalizes minor offenders and turns them into major criminals.
I say it IS effective, because you do not need to worry about the person commiting the crime again, The public might become scared and not commit the crime, and hey: If they *WARNING talking about religon* ask God for forgiveness, they will go to heaven. Also, Living the rest of your life in prison like crazy said, would be worse than dying. The deaths are painless (Which they should not be. I would say go back to hanging people), and you could be beaten to death, witch would hurt alot. Also, when you die, you cannot escape death. you CAN escape from a prison and continue commiting that crime.
This is really understandable, but what's the justice of killing a man? And even more- would that teach the man a lesson? Even if he were to be locked up, and never be released, he would learn. Never to be applied, this new learning could represent an entirely new substance of morality though. It's both immoral, but life imprisonment is not entirely the way to go. Sentencing someone to 400 years in prison? Pah, lol, yeah right.
Btw, if you need more things for your presentation besides the opinions on this server, I found this, it helped me out during my presentation on it.
The Death Penalty is very effective. If you are thinking about say murdering someone and think that you will just spend life in prison you might be more likely to do it than the thought that you will be killed for your act. Also the death penalty in today's day and age is lethal injection, it kinda lets them off easy. Yes they lose their life but it wont be in a violent long drawn out way like how they probably murdered the person and got on death row in the first place.
To give you some input without putting to much opinion into it. Germany doesnt have it. We are fine as it is.