[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Cinnabar sends Riften's green side 20 Plates of Reflection.
    And another C-DSO. I am pm'ing you the kill code.
  2. Planet Name: Sanghelios
    Planet Orientation: Robotics
    Planet Relationship: Neutral unless provoked in even a slightly harmful way.
    Planet number: #33284 (Death spelled in numbers)
    Other Notes: Our main forces are the Covenant, although this is where elites are, we have all the other species that are in the Covenant on the planet :p
  3. Kepler20f sends aid in the form of med-evac and 2.5 million gold to Green side of Riften
  4. That's not OP at all... :rolleyes:
  5. Cinnabar sends Sanghelios an alliance request and candy!
  6. that's EEZBA...
  7. Yours is far more OP than mine :rolleyes:
    nfell2009 likes this.
  8. Q73F-3JS9 wishes to form a trade alliance with Sanghelios.
  9. Cinnabar sends Green Riften 200 First-aid kits.:cool:
  10. No, look.
    D=3 E=3 A=2 T=8 H=4
  11. Well 3 could mean d,e, or f
    2 could mean a,b, or c
    8 could mean t,u, or v
    and 4 could mean g,h, or i.
    But I can see where you are coming from so I'll change it :p
  12. He's the only exception, remember?
  13. Planet Name:Aperture
    Planet Orientation: Robotics
    Planet Relationship: Neutral
    Planet Number:01010100011010000110010100100000011000110110000101101011011001010010000001101001011100110010000001100001001000000110110001101001011001010000110100001010
    Other Notes: Planet blows up upon death,taking out all nearby planets.This planet is populated by robots and is lead by a main core. .MAIN WEAPONRY:portal Gun,rocket turrets, and neurotoxin. Planet constantly administers science to search for new weapons. Not very kind to organic life forms and prisoners are used to test weapons.
  14. OP I believe.
  15. Accepts
    Sanghelios begins to work on a better Needler
  16. Cinnabar rebuilds it's gym.
  17. OK, what? Withers, Really? Cinnabar Gym: Killed 45 times.
  18. What part?
  19. Hmm, let's take a look
    That part.
  20. My planet launches bombs against aperture.