[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Cinnabar activates it's Plates of Reflection. Cinnabar then sends Aperture a Get Well package.
    By the way, I attacked because of your OP things that were there, but then you removed them.
  2. Retrieves gravity gun with the portal device, starts to duplicate the weapon for mass usage.
  3. These dragons fail to move bedrock and go on a rampage to be slayed later on.
  4. Cinnabar used Toxic on both dragons.
  5. Sends Cinnabar a forgiveness package of a recording of Still Alive.
  6. Aperture helps cinnabar with neurotoxin.
  7. By the way, you need a Cross-Dimensional Spatial Overdrive to go between dimensions.
  8. Cinnabar sends Aperture a Cross-Dimensional Spatial Overdrive.
  9. Aperture finishes research on sentry turrets, starts to test out longfall boots.Also begin improving portal device.
  10. Every Weapon Self-Destructs. aprox. 1/8 of Aperture Is destroyed.
  11. Declares war on aperture
  12. Cinnabar is attacked!
    An artist's rendering of the attacker:
  13. Begins creation of GLaDOS an artificially intelligent computer. Tries to repair planet.
  14. Cinnabar's army makes the attacker blow up just like my gym that blew up for the 6th time just now!!!
  15. Under large amount of pressure, Aperture attempts to slay the dragon with turrets. Would prefer not to fight with Q73F-3JS9.
  16. The Citidel Hires Mercs (Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engie, Medic, Snoipeh, Spy) and Creates A Hat Of Undeniable Wealth And Respect, Along With 100 Buds, And 50 Keys. All Mercs Are Defending the Planet. Also, A bit of the Neurotoxin In The Citidel Is found, we make a antidote. some is given to Lorien, And the Citidel Becomes KOTH_Nucleus.
  17. Cinnabar sends the Citaldel one Antidote.
  18. Longfall boots finished in research.Fall from any height with them and be safe!Give some longfall boots to Cinnabar.
  19. Accepts peace with aperture. Sends robotic battle dragon to combat dragons. All attackers are killed and the robot returns home safely.