[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Riften is really confused on what just happened as this science has not been expirienced on Riften
  2. Cinnabar's gym is giving up, and requesting BEDROCK to make it's gym out of.
  3. Cinnabar discovered the third dimension. Everyone with a C-DSO type in this code: vx1337??t5
  4. C-DSO blocked the atomic bomb absorbing the destruction but turning into debris. Red side at 4.8m gold
    Green finds jackpot of gold now at 3.5m gold.
  5. Cinnabar sends Aperture to the third dimension, and then shoots an Adminium bomb at it, then closing the portal.
  6. A Dragon has a process of moving the bedrock but it is a slow process.
  7. Cinnabar sends Green Riften 1.5m gold.
  8. I can change that...Planet Name:Aperture
    Planet Orientation: Robotics
    Planet Relationship: Neutral
    Planet Number:01010100011010000110010100100000011000110110000101101011011001010010000001101001011100110010000001100001001000000110110001101001011001010000110100001010
    Other Notes: This planet is populated by robots and is lead by a main core. .MAIN WEAPONRY: Portal Gun and neurotoxin. Planet constantly administers science to search for new weapons. Not very kind to organic life forms and prisoners are used to test weapons.

    I took out self destruct and rockets, is that ok?
  9. That's like abusive admins.
    You're not allowed to swear, but they are.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  10. Cinnabar e-mails 2 dragons.
  11. With no response, I trust my planet is now ok...
  12. I would make the number shorter... Try 133.
  13. Aperture has sustained heavy injuries and declares war on Cinnabar. Uses portal gun to get back.
  14. Sanghelios finishes it's new Needler.
  15. I don't use that power to hurt others tho.
  16. Aperture decides to intercept the two dragons with neurotoxin.
  17. The Citidel Smiles, as it owns Black Mesa. good bye! (Gravity Gun Back to the 3rd dimention)
  18. Riften is greatful. Hero Graham is helping to win this war between Red and Green.
    Green buys the Switch and defuses it. Bedrock Dragon hits the center filled with Adminium.
    Turns into The Caustic Cavern. Excess Adminium is launched out into space using the C-DSO.
    The adminium hits a star close to Tamriel and the Adminium Nucleation starts to damage Tamriel.
  19. Also, an anonomous planet has a Kamikaze on yours.
  20. Starts research on sentry turrets.