[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Sends a super fast mining drone capable of mining all ores known.
  2. Yeah I had an EMP too... Had to change it :p
  3. Silph Inc., the company in Cinnabar, creates candy!!!!
  4. Riften Accepts Proposition but needs a Cinnabar Scholar to teach how to use the C-DSO
  5. Sends huge amounts of obsidian to Cinanabar with a note attached that says," Use is obsidian to stop your gym from blowing up more than three times a day"
  6. The Cinnabar Scholar says: Rotate the dial to a known dimension (currently dimension 1 and the pokemon dimension), then hit the big red button that says TELEPORT. It's written on the side in huge letters.
  7. Wishes to purchase candy from Cinnabar
  8. The scholar also says: Push the smaller buttons to go to different planets.
  9. Ok. How much?
  10. Kepler20f sends some repair drones to Cinnabar.
  11. We seem to have a problem with the C-DSO. This can be used as an mediate invasion source for entire hostile armies.
  12. Cinnabar fixes their gym.
  13. Aaaaand it's gone. 4th boom-boom today.
  14. The Green side of Riften (good) is being attacked by the Red side of Riften (evil). Rogues have stolen the detonator and require a price of 5 million gold for it. Red side is close to 4.5 million now and posseses the C-DSO.
    Green side has 1.5 million gold.
  15. I sent obsidian in a mail ship so you can build an explosive-proof gym
  16. Q73F-3JS9 sends atomic bombs at the red side. Sends war hot air balloons to green side. They are equipped with advanced drone guns.
  17. Cinnabar activates their Cross-dimensional Spatial Overdrive to transport to DIM1
  18. Cinnabar e-mails the kill code into Riften's C-DSO to make it never work again. The kill code activates it's internal combustion engine, and it combusts.
  19. Spontaneously.