Please nerf iron farms

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by AlexC__, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. I know that this is completely hyprocitical :) I'm not gonna deny it. But I don't like iron farms.
  2. Then thats just wrong. I do not like XP farms, but I love iron farms. And have multiple. But the main people who use mine, while they could single handedly change the price of iron completely, do not. Because then the auctions would not make sense. We time them, place them accordingly, auction off different amounts (iron blocks vs. iron ingots). And, given the way that EMC changes they constantly need maintenance. All of the time. If you have a big farm, then you know, the last few entity limit updates have forced redesigns. I know that deathtomb8953 and I have redesigned our iron farms to the point that the original tutorial we used to make them, looks very unlike ours. We have maximized output, changed the way they move, how they are killed. We do everything differently. It is fun, but it is hard work.

    This is me talking as a player, not a moderator. I do not ask that XP farms disappear just because I do not like them. And I dont like them, I liked it when I had to pay 20k for the first ever auctioned silk touch pickaxe on EMC. That was fun economy. When you had to work hard to get something like that, but constant Mojang changes to the way XP works, and EMC changes to where you keep your XP upon death, it has changed the way it all works. I still do not like them, but I will buy a pick when I need it, I will sell them when I need it. XP farms take ingenuity to create, even with a tutorial, most are placed in unique positions to have to create some customization. Just like my iron farms. So I admire it as builds, and utilizing a game mechanic to make the best advantage. I like iron farms because it takes hard work, and in the end you have some massive creations, they are pure ugliness though, and I am personally working on a design that will make them less ugly.

    You can not 'ask' that we remove something just because you do not like it. I do not like creepers... lets remove them. Anyone second that motion?

    You see how that is construed? And very very hypocritical, and just ... wrong.
  3. Eh, let me re-phrase that; I don't like the result of iron farms. I have no problem with people making them. But I use XP farms and have no problem with them. I do have a problem with iron farms.

    Yes, that is hypocritical and it might be wrong but can I help that? Not at all. Just being honest :)
  4. Being honestly wrong.
  5. Sort of like darkrooms?
  6. I agree about Iron farms being gone, it is quite annoying to log in and find everyone with 900+ stacks of iron.

    @Joshposh Cobble farms have been around for so long, it'd be pointless to ban them now. Everyone already has thousands of stacks of cobble.
  7. Just because you own a massive shop and can't afford to let your iron prices that low :p jk
    I know what you mean and on many servers I have seen they ahve banned them becuase they are OP I mean grinders can be nerfed with a plugin (mob spawn limit) cant you do that with iron Golems?[/quote]
  8. I duno... I think my farm is pretty :(
    creepincreepers7 and ZBSDKryten like this.
  9. Lets only ban the factors in which the big guy feels he/she is at a disadvantage.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. So lets ban all of them! You're saying...
  11. I Dont know anything about it. Someone who has one can explain me And show me how it work? Pm if You can share it with me.
  12. It's okay,My first 4 chambers are made out of sandstone/stone brick/ and nether brick.
  13. I believe this thread was opened to make a discussion on iron farms. Alex voiced his thoughts on the topic. Others voided theirs. It does not need to turn into a 'who's right' and 'who's wrong' situation. No one should be run down for ideas they wanted to discuss with the community.
    jrm531, Foohman and AlexChance like this.
  14. "everyone and their mum" WHAT are you trying to say Alex? Lol
  15. I don't mind iron farms or grinders and such other than that stupid TEXP next to our names. Everyone remember when mobs stopped spawning for a while cause we hit the caps? I think that was the month or so that everyone and their grandma were using grinders nonstop because "I need to beet Leo at TEXP!" "OMG LEO IS BEATING ME!" "OMG I AM GUNNA BEET YOU!" I have been in a wild community with community grinders and the community itself rarely got to use them because people would declare the grinders for themselves or invite half the server there so they could "Beat Leo in TEXP" then they ended up shut down due to IcC having to step in when people afk'd and spawned way over the limit.
  16. Yeah, i remember something like that...Cake guy and 1200 blaze...Don't want to be that laggy again...
  17. I love auto farms they have made my experience on EMC so much better. Instead of focusing on dull tedious work I can build cool things and go on fun adventures and still make some money and have plenty of supplies to survive.
    vividOptimism likes this.
  18. In my opinion, finding iron hasn't ever been difficult. You get more from mining then just standing idle, but I guess that really depends on the farm you're at. I think ISMOOCH has the biggest, and it was like 6 stacks + 12 ingots for an hour or something. You can mine a lot more than that if you are only looking for iron. I know that when I've been mining for it, it's taken me like an hour and a half to fill up the majority of my inventory for iron.

    I don't expect the price to go down much, if at all. I don't know much about how you personally stock your store, but I assume you branch out to quite a few suppliers. If the price goes down, it goes down. You would also be able to pay less, and sell for a little more and turn roughly the same profit in a faster time. If your suppliers use an iron farm, they could get you iron faster (Easier to AFK for hours then mine continuously).

    If you do have a supplier, I don't know what rate you pay them, but if you sell them for two more rupees then you paid, it doesn't really matter the price. If the value lowers, you'll pay your supplier a little less still sell them for more.

    I understand the frustration though. People get a ton of rupees for going AFK at someone else's creation. I have like 9 stacks of iron blocks from ISMOOCH's. All I did was watch The Simpsons.

    Also, with EMC progressively growing, more creative people are coming and iron blocks will be in demand for building.
  19. Hey, rich people like AlexChance have all the money, please ban all the rich people and give me their money.
    Twitch1, creepincreepers7 and jrm531 like this.
  20. Except 20 or so golems like to swim in the water you build them over