EMC Staff Application [Updated May 29th, 2013]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. I want no Icecream that has not flowed from the cold frozen udders of the fearless leader that is the Cow.
  2. Wow even a moderator can get things off topic
  3. Ice cream that has flowered from ICCs beautiful frozen bosom of an udder can not be anything but delicious.
  4. The fact that anyone posts anything here at all is kind of off topic. Given the topic is Moderator Applications. And the 1st Rule of Moderator applications is, you do not talk about moderator applications. The 2nd rule of moderator applications, well... you get the idea.

    So posting on topic, gets you disqualified, but keeping the thread easy enough to find for those interested, is good. So, having an ideal conversation is not bad. It was in line with comments earlier. If ICC felt that the thread was going to 'off topic' he would correct everyone (or just delete everything and replace them with ice cream cones) and we would know not to do it again :).
  5. I'm just thinking Fight Club in my head right now…
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. I want kilmanann to make another application.
  7. 'if'we already be a moderator can we not be a moderator again? like can we turn it off and instead being a supporter?


    can we quit being a moderator if we want to? just asking
  8. NO....... They hold you to your moderating duties forever... /Sarcasm
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  9. You can step down, or get demoted because you're a bad moderator.
  10. I was unaware the mods were vampires
    nfell2009 likes this.
  11. oh ok
  12. so if we arleady sent an application in, we can do it again?
  13. not sure
  14. If you have already sent in the application that corresponds to this thread - there is no need to fill it out again.
    _GodFury_Blaze likes this.
  15. oh okay i get it now
  16. i wish i was a moderator
  17. There are your chances gone.
  18. Cute
  19. Cool story bro
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  20. ?