Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. "I love the great state of Iowa!"-Biden the Clown
    Sad thing is that he was in Ohio -_-
  2. The problem with travelling to Mars is how long it takes. Space Flight itself is all science, but waiting for an opportune launch circumstance could take centuries. As we stand, we don't have the technology to keep a human alive through the journey, as the heart muscles will atrophy.
    HylianNinja likes this.
  3. True, but I think it could be possible for Mitt Romney to start something that could carry on.
  4. Guys I thought this was funny.
    Tim Tebow said this on Twitter:
    "The democrats will be in the lead until the working people get off of work." It was in retaliation to CNN showing Obama ahead 47-35 in Florida. You see, most republicans vote at night when they are coming home from work. It is what my dad did.
    supereskimo likes this.
  5. Considering all the planets are aligning soon / did align recently, optimal conditions for a Earth-Mars flight are in about 366-370 years.
    HylianNinja likes this.
  6. I highly doubt that Obama would reinstate the space program, either! Mitt would!
  7. Oh, anyone remember Biden's "Chains" speech? I don't want a VP like that running this country.
  8. Bush cancelled the space program, not Obama:

    I haven't heard Romney mention at all that he wants to put a man on mars, but that's nice wishful thinking.

    the rest of the rhetoric posted here is just that. when environmental experts say they are against the pipeline but a couple of kids on a minecraft forum think that nature won't be harmed, i'll go with the experts. it's not like Obama was sitting in the White House alone making this decision, he had expert advisors assisting.
  9. Ya this is the American government using the gay community to mask that they are trying to take away our Free speech. This law would silence preachers from preaching period, completely removing religion from our country that was based on Christianity. In my opinion when we completely stray from our Christian values we will turn into a socialist nation. Thats just what i think though so why listen to me? Not like we have a voice anymore. I bet noone heard about this law till i told u about it. Im not a wacko that thinks the governments always watching, but they are controlling what the Major news networks are telling us. If Obama is re-elected tonight then its my belief that we will see many more laws like this one that will take away not only our first amendment rights, but also our 2nd amendment rights which are already being threatened by the United Nations.
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  10. Those "experts" are wrong. They think that the world will explode if we cut down a tree. Get real.
  11. Obama: 3 Romney: 33

    Off ABC news. =)
  12. Oh look! Here we go blaming Bush again. Obama was in a position to revive the space program. He didn't.

    Like my other post said, Romney has the guts to take up that project. He can see the space program as a gateway to the future and not just an unnecessary entity.

    And those "environmental experts" were just the kind of people that see a tree being chopped down as a crime. If it touches the environment, it's the worst project ever.
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  13. Sure seems like it!
    Do you happen to know the difference between the words "shuttle" and "program?" They are totally different. You can go to a McDonalds and cancel the BigMcLard and you arent canceling the whole business. Bush ended the shuttle, to pursue a different space idea. Obama canceled the whole thing.
    RED_Spy1 likes this.

  14. I know. So we cut down a few trees. So-called experts: ERMAGERDTHEYCHOPPEDDOWNATREEWE'REALLGONNADIE!!!!!!!!
  15. Blame Bush Everyone! That is the only thing they could do.

    Bush did not cancel the space programs, it was Obama. He did it to help decrease the debt, which obviosly did not work.
  16. We've had a Federal Hate Crimes law since 1969. If I type "hate crimes prevention act of" into Google, it autocompletes with 1998, 1999, 2007, and 2009. So we've had plenty of changes to the law well before Obama came into office. As far as I know, the Hate Crimes Bill of 1999 added sexual orientation to the list of crimes the law applies to which would have been Clinton. The changes to the law in 2007 would have been on Bush's watch.

    The 2009 law changed a few things, mainly:
    - Extends the 1969 law which included crimes motivated by actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin, to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
    - It removed the requirement that the victim had to be doing something that's "federally protected", like going to school.
    - Gives the federal government the ability to step in when local authorities elect not to investigate a hate crime.
    - Provides funding to state and local governments to use to investigate and prosecute hate crimes.
    - Requires the FBI to collect statistics of hate crimes based on gender.

    Sexual orientation has been covered since 1999. That's not new. What this law does is redefines who's covered a little to include more people. Transgendered people, for example.

    The very last part, Section 8, pertains to your comments and fears"
    Nothing in this Act, or the amendments made by this Act, shall be construed to prohibit any expressive conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by, the Constitution.

    The only way I can conceive of this law being used to convict someone who is preaching against homosexuality is if they were intentionally encouraging violence. The 1969 law covers race, color, religion, or national origin. When was the last time we heard of someone being convicted for saying anything negative about people those attributes apply to? Never that I know of.

    I feel comfortable saying that you can feel free to speak out against homosexuality all you want. Hurt somebody or incite someone else to hurt someone because you think or know they are gay, and this law applies to you.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  17. You can't blame THAT on Bush...
  18. This turtle declares...
    Hash98 likes this.
  19. What happens when it's cloudy for weeks on end? Solar and wind power are really only good for a backup power supply, they aren't really good to depend on. What if, your whole town was powered by only wind turbines? what happens when you have a month of no wind at all? Giant batteries won't help because there is no practical battery that could power a town for an extended period of time.
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