hey everyone! im just wondering where and how did u guys get ur usernames,let me begin so i m hungaryan and my classmate took a the name"wartros" and i was about to copy it but i added "t-rex"to it .but later i realyzed what wart means in english.... so if u think just leave the history of ur usernames!
You have a dog called it Jack Biggin, like the name so you have it OR! You met a alien and he said: Then you thought this:
I do a lot of jokes at school, so my classmates started calling me Chascarrillo. Then I created my facebook account and named it Santi Chasca, so my main usernames now are: Chascarrillo Santi Chasca SantiChask Wisegag (My secret alt, coming in January to EMC)
There's already a thread of tis...Like some days or weeks or w/e ago. You can see my story in that other thread, I'm too lazy to re-write it as it's like a big wall o' text.
Mine is from a few different things. Feb 2007 I made a friend on IMVU who is a furry. He told me about fursuits and furaffinity.net and I was interested and ended up choosing a panda because I love Pandas and that is my nickname when people can't remember my first name. Then because everyone I've always talked to says I seem sweet and cuddly and most furries have odd colorings to their fursonas and my favorite is blue, I started using cuddlybluepanda for everything. My emails and xbox are still this because I just can't be fudged to get new ones. Fast forward to everyone using names like iPwnNoobs, iEatBunnies and other cutesy little names etc. I decided to change it and because we only had Ramen for a while it became PandasEatRamen. I made my minecraft account then found out you had to buy the game and then was like EFF THAT. I then found out some girl on Twitter has PandasEatRamen as her name so I changed it to PandasEatPancakes because I had a thing for Pancakes at one point.
>used to play a lot of WarioWare Inc. >one of the characters was called 9-Volt >multiply number by 8 >72Volt
? penfoldex. My online self is called Pen F. Go figure. And almost all my usernames start with penf…
You have a dog called it Jack Biggin, like the name so you have it OR! You met a alien and he said: Then you thought this:
I have mine for two reasons: 1. It's easy to remember (My name, Tyler, remove Y, add 6) 2. I originally got this from a freak bowling computer accident. Instead of Tyler they put t6ler, so it just stuck Just had to have it be a "freak accident"