Broken lots of bones, torn muscles, tendons and the like. I broke my arm bones & wrist pretty severely a number of years ago. Basically symptoms are pain, swelling, inability to move (if it's a joint and that isn't always the case) and sometimes nausea. A break will hurt like hell and the area will probably be pretty tender to the touch. I smashed my elbow when moving a couch a couple years ago, it swelled, bruised, I couldn't move it and even when I went to the doctor, they were convinced it was broken. They x-rayed it and it came back no break, not even a hairline fracture. They called it a deep bone bruise. When I did it there was a loud CRACK noise and we just knew it was broken, but nope, it wasn't. Hurt like you wouldn't believe though and I got a nifty elbow brace for about 6 weeks. It's hard to say if you have a break or not. I'm certainly not a doctor and wouldn't say yes or no. Good idea getting an x-ray especially if the pain isn't stopping or swelling is continuing. It does sound like you have some symptoms of a broken bone, or it could just be a bone bruise or if it's near a joint could be something like a hyper-extension or dislocation. Good luck Punisher! If it is a break, good luck with a cast. They get itchy and stinky and when you get it off, your arm will be tiny and pale and will still hurt even though the bone is healed.
My sister told me that it was a relief getting it off, but the area had no colour, it was itchy, and it stank of body odor. She is also 8. I'll put a picture of her up.
At a football game last year I made a tackle and my foot and wrist got caught. I broke two toes and fractured my wrist. I thought something was wrong but I played through the pain and finished the game (this happened in the second play of the first quarter). I also start offense and defense so it is not like I was on the sidelines doing nothing. The only thing I remember in the actual break was a hot sensation as if blood was rushing to the area that broke. So if that is happening to you I'd say it might be broken, but other then that I really can't tell you much. Also it would have been impossible for me to hear the break because the clashing of pads is so loud.
I heard something crack, but there was also a crack left in the bench. When I hit the floor, I didn't hear anything, probably because something was possibly already broke.
very bad idea, and morally wrong. Only post pictures of yourself and of adults which have given you permission to.
Honestly, I meant it in a way that his attacker should not go completely unpunished for throwing SoulPunisher against a bench. Even if he didn't realize what he was doing, punishing the kid would help teach him not to do it again. I apologize if I offended you for "obviously not knowing what autism was". But I'm not so sure about comparing it to training an animal. People might have autism, but they are still human beings with emotions. Teaching him not to do it again is what should happen for anyone, autistic or not. Let's say you're in 7th grade, like SoulPunisher. And this autistic kid constantly harasses you. Every day. To give an example, let's say he slams your locker. Maybe even calls you rude names. Over and over again. But let's also say no matter how many times people stand up for you, and no matter how many times you tell a teacher, they just say "Don't worry about it. He just does that. He's autistic." He never gets punished. Not once. He never learns not to do it again. Maybe he's doing it because he doesn't know it's wrong. Maybe he's doing it because he does know and really hates seeing you everyday. Regardless if he has autism or not, he never learns. People need to be taught not to do things. Because when you've been in the same situation, it gets to you. I'm sorry, but I DO know what autism is. I just wish I didn't have to go through knowing that nothing would be done. That's why I said "it doesn't matter". It doesn't matter because, regardless of his disorder or not, he needs to be taught what's right and what's wrong.
you are totally taking what I said the wrong way. intentional or not, you need to try reading what I said again. and also reassessing whether animals like dogs are living beings with emotions too.
If I must say, that is terrible, that bully deserves two broken arms. If it actually is broken, is it twisted in a way to appear so? Ive broken my left arm from uh *cough* jumping off my toy box when I was 4.
Sorry, it's the internet. I can't always tell what you're trying to say from text. If you'd like to explain it to me, that'd be great. Same thing with what autism is. But I would like to quote myself for a moment. I never said dogs weren't living beings with emotions too. I said "But I'm not so sure about comparing it to training an animal. People might have autism, but they are still human beings with emotions." Animals are usually trained to perform a job better. Can humans be trained too? Absolutely. Does that mean they'll like it? I'm not sure. It really depends on the person. But really, this thread was about SoulPunisher's arm and his state of well-being at the moment. I have no interest to debate further on this subject unless you'd like to explain to me your post and what autism is in a PM. That furniture, man. You never know when it's out to get you.
welll, i can tell you something bro, when i was 5 , and living in new zealand, my step brother who was 18 at the time had started to fake wrestle me for fun as i was annoying him a bit . but he picked me up from my waist and turned me upside down, and yet as slow as he dropped me ( like seriously super slow) he had made me land on a wooden piece of a bed and i had cracked open my head...............and the skull was i went to get it fixed up and i was fine a week later . so yeah if your arm is swelled up, you cant move it like 5 cm before you scream and it isnt able to even type you might have fractured and or broken your arm.
About the broken arms, Ive actually broken both of mine while skiing. I was going 25 down a hill and fell of a half pipe (15 Foot drop) Wasnt fun at all.
just saying i did have to wait like 6 weeks for the stiches to help heal the gashe but yeah, all i am left with is a scar on my head.
Heh, I was 4, it really hurt, I was screaming uncontrollably, and there was a HUGE lump on my wrist when it happened. I remember going to the hospital, it was like 12 am, And they were really nice to me, I watched winnie the pooh while I waited >.>.
A little bit of sleep has cut the pain I can bend it fully now, mum said (when she came home from work) it was a bone bruise. It wasn't broken, thank god.