43 Degrees? Up Here In Maine we walk in shorts and shortsleves (some people wear tanktops) and are sweating from 43 degrees. Now 42 degrees is a different story (I'm takling about fahrenheit)
One of my Facebook friends posted this as their status 15 minutes ago. I don't know the person they are quoting, but I find it very appropriate.
The freezing rain certainly didn't help... It wouldn't be as big of a deal, but this was a Very sudden cold snap from the 70s Degree weather we had been used to Farenheight
I was awoken several times last night by my wife having to throw up because she's sick, and was on the edge of having to throw up myself several times, due to probably having caught what she's got, so yeah... this day promises to be awesomesauce indeed. *sigh*
Bad. My class lost 2 people, and they were sent off to exclusion. Then, my teacher gave me a detention for something I didn't do, and i'm not going because I have no reason to. My teacher told everybody off for something one person did and i've been threatened to be suspended a day, and then sent off into exclusion for a week. Again, for something I didn't do. I was going to move school 2 weeks ago, but my mum decided to not let me. The teachers in my school annoy me, but its the best school in my town. I want a good education, so I think I want to move up a set, to be in my old one, but my class really doesn't help. I was, however, overloaded with Homework last year which brought me down to the 2nd to lowest set. I also have discalculia, which they said would only bring me down to 8B4 in maths, not everything. EMC is like my only escape
Heh, trying to live in colorado, in the winter. About my day: Geography was cool, mainly because I didn't have to learn anything, it was this lecture about suicide and depression. Gym was okay, mainly because my knee was sore, but I still had to lift weights. My day was fairly good, except art, I really don't like my art teacher. Overall it was a average day.