i just got back from the wild. may notch have mercy on the dead. im surrounded im my statue on smp8. my only hope is to get to the spawn house so i can use the multiverse portals to go to smp3 where the resistance is. but they have already started flying towards me. they have seen me. their teeth are bare. their hands stretched out. their tnt ready. im bolting for it.
edit: i made it to the store but that's as far as i can go. i ... er... bought... yeah bought... a sword. their invincibility mods are strong but the sword has knockback. only a matter of time 'fore it breaks. then i will try to dig my way to the spawn with them disoriented with the shattered debris of a diamond sword.
Still awaiting evac team at res 2335. Hackers have not found us yet. Rumors say they are the Low Fat Sherbert Pigs.
dont give away your cords they can track you easily with that. i made it to the spawn but they removed the portals. gonna have to repair them from scratch. rumor has it that there is a resistance on smp4 on the outskirts where the lots are no more. the borderlands. hope i dont see claptrap. (bad joke is bad)
are you kidding ,smp8 is the ghost town, so much so he didnt even mention it in the list of dead servers
wow your nice. still better than smp3's population. anyways back to the main story. i got word that there are indeed survivors. im moving to 4 when the portals are done. they are nearly done.
Bob's story isn't a part of my story, but is aloud to post it. If you wish, you can make another thread for it.
Sending out a distress signal only avaliable to EMC members. Everyone meet at the spawn if possible at 1200 hours tomorrow. At your server's spawn that is. The Low Fat Sherbert Pigs haven't hacked into this network yet. We will take the battle to them.
So what about my story? I'm trying to weave everything into your story. Just told by multiple people.
As yours basically is mine, just through other's eyes, I do suggest another thread is made for it, to stop confussion. As it seems this story is a little bit popular with some people, it will be nice to have other verisons, aslong as I am credited for the main story and the plot it follows.
dont worry i will now! ill link it here and put my link here! http://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-griefer-wars-boberts-story.15910/
Ok people, lets hope this isn't considered spam. If it is, maybe you could right a book in Minecraft of your story.
*Please note, that the side stories may not be canon to this, AKA, they might not have a lot to do with this, the main story. They may take place before or after the event's of this, or it might have to do with something OTHER than greifers, but still relates to this. If your story has NOTHING to do with this, please do not label it as part of this. Thank you. * Me and the rest of the guys got our cannon locked onto the Arrow gun nest, and got ready to fire. We fired the cannon, and it missed by 20 blocks, but did kill some of the greifers. I knew that every time we missed, another one of our men could die, so I kept at the men to get it right. Soon, we got it locked right onto it, shot, and hit it. The gun was well intrenched, and survived, but the operators did not. The infanty rushed the nest, and took it. We had moved up, but we still had some distaince to go. Our next objective was to simply give them some covering fire. One tatic we used was to shot ahead of them, let them move up and get down. Once the smoke cleared, let them advance a bit, shoot again, and so on. This way, they would have a smoke screen to cover them. We had to make sure we were dead on, or risk killing our own men. *Even MORE coming! *