Legit needs (dating) help.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Well, I can try to talk to her, as I have options with her on both days (Day one and Day two) but I'm not that great at just talking to a girl.
  2. Serious Reply up
  3. I would bring in a whole page of advice but the advice I got is inappropriate for this website :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. If anything, i'm not going to ask her out today.
  5. good luck bro :D
  6. its threads like these that make me happy i hit it off with my bestfriend in hs.
  7. I haven't read anything of whatever anyone else post and I read the title...

    The only thing I could say is.. Listen to her,Ask her like how's it going and life and whatever... Ask her about the place you went out like did you liked it.. what did you like or stuff... and most important.. LISTEN TO HER... When you listen and remember what she said you can just.. answer her back instead of being lost in mars.
  8. Nothing today. I am actually hoping that one day, none of her friends will be at school, which would make it a lot easier.
  9. Why do folks ask serious questions on the internet? You don't know any of us, or at least I doubt you do. You should ask someone you personally know and trust. I know sometimes it may feel like you have no where to turn, but a Minecraft forum just isn't your best bet. :)
  10. *Walks up to IRL friend.* Hey, I need some advice for dat.... *friend* WHO IS IT! TELL ME NOW! TELLLLLLL ME!!!!
    jacob5089, mba2012 and penfoldex like this.
  11. I was implying a parent or guardian, but ok.
  12. Same thing would happen.
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. Well, wouldn't they need to know who it is to help you? If they didn't, they could give ill advice.
  14. Well the internet is discret about things, unlike IRL friends. I mean, we can't really blab about stuff (ok, ignore facebook and twitter) because who can we blab to? We don't even know the asker's name!
  15. Carson. I have said my name many times on EMC.
  16. i just broke up with my girlfriend like 5 mins ago lolol
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. And the cycle begins again.

    Now, what else do you guys need to know.
  18. Never ask her in front of the "girl friends" a recipe for disaster as they may "change" her decision.

  19. Also, I can kind of/somewhat/not really talk to one girl, but not in front of a whole bunch.
  20. I love you because of you I got a date next Friday