Legit needs (dating) help.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Just want to know, when it comes to dating, what exactly is the appeal?
  2. Depends on who you are.
  3. Terrible idea in the works.
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOO do NOT ever under any circumstances ask a girl out on facebook or texting.
  5. Good point.

    Ok, I will talk again.

    1. I have kind of known her since the end of grade six
    2. I have troubles talking around ANY girl, which limits my ability to make a conversation with them, unless thay start it, for some reason, I have no problems.
    3. Last time I could simply walk up to a girl and start talking was in grade 3 or 4, but now the fear of rejection and screwing everything up had hit me.
    4. Even though my head is a little big, and I have some scabs on my arms, (I don't cut or anything) I don't care what people might think of how I look, so that's not a problem.
  6. Just walk up to her and ask her to the movies or something along the lines of that. Remember confidence is key.
  7. Okay, even I KNOW that's a bad idea. Of course, I also believe anything that has to do with Facebook is automatically a bad idea.
    mba2012 and mtp1997 like this.
  8. Good advice only problem is that you run the risk of going into the Friend Zone........*shudders* those are dark times for the mafia.....
  9. Ok, any more advice, or do I need to state more?
  10. State a little bit more so we can understand your situation more.
  11. Please tell me what I need to state.
  12. Ok. Um. Well how well do you know this girl?
  13. Wow I'm short. 5'7" and I'm a freshman. :eek:
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. Meh. Yes, I know, get to know her. I will try to talk to her tomorrow.
  15. Or just say hey or something casual. Slowly progress. I wish I could take my own advice…:(
    mba2012 likes this.
  16. You need to bring ehr self confidence down so she is easier to approach. For the next two weeks start a backhanded compliment campaign. Examples:

    "you look really nice today, but you could have done something better with your hair"
    "I love that outfit! but I loved it more on the mannequin"
    "You look great, but losing a few pounds might help".

    Once she feels bad enough about herself, ask her out.

    Problem solved. Next question?
    Twitch1 and Manglex like this.

  17. Sorry, my school is already full of douchebags..
    mba2012, PandasEatRamen and Manglex like this.
  18. Hm. What's your school like? Like how are your classmates acting? What about you social statue-wise? This information helps advisors.
    mba2012 likes this.
  19. My school is a normal school, but some people call it ghetto. For classmates, it depends, but in all reality, I think I would in some ways be a better Boy friend that a lot of other girls, mostly because I don't really act like a fool to get girls. My social statues would be around middle middle class, so, normal, AKA, the people who, if anything, will get somewhere in this world, unlike most of the popular kids, you seem to think everything will be handed to them. She also seems to be middle class.
  20. Well that helps being in the somewhat same social standards. Let me consult my friend. She's really good at these kind of things. I'll get back to you ASAP.