My focus in life is to have a good time, enjoy it. But, my definition of a good time is different then many others. Perhaps that's why I can't connect with those my own age. But it doesn't bother me. I have an odd ability to have no interest in my schools social norms. Hobbies, movies, activities, especially music...
Do what I did and give someone a note to give to her but it doesn't get to her so you go up to here expecting that she got the note but it turns out she didn't get it so you have to ask her out there. Oh wait, I'm still single...
Based on what you've written, I think you already know the answer. And she knows you know. But you are both kind of stuck in place. So one of you needs to get honest before hte other moves on. You don't need a fancy movie speech. If you want anything in this world you can usually have it, but you have to put time into it. Pocket your phone and start making face time with her. The rest will come naturally. As to your fears, don't let it stop you. If it works out, great. If you've misinterpreted her and she's not interested, at least you know and you can move on.
"Insert i know that feel bro meme here" that's how i was i never liked going to all these big social gathering i never liked being with the in crowd so i tried to keep myself in the middle of the "Preps" and the "Non-Preps" i went to small party's where i knew everyone and only hang out with certain i personally rather be here at home playing games with them then go out in public i fell comfortable in a place i know not just a random public establishment
Dont text her too much or you will be considered a me i know....many bad times when this one girl texted me 25 times in a row (10 hour span) What i did after that handled the problem
I might get along a bit better with others, if I drop my, "Everyone's an idiot until proven otherwise" policy, but it's been proven right time and time again.
Dude, just follow what One Direction and Justin Beiber did, they get over a million girls. JUST kidding. Well, I think I am at the same stage as you my freind. Sorry, I need the help to.
Dont bother man, you fight for girls, you fight over girls, and you fight with them. But i guess its up to you.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Girls are just people. We're not scary! Just be yourself, the worst thing guys do is try to get a girls attention by acting like they're something that they're not. (it comes off as totally fake and is a real turn off) Relax and just talk to her like you would anyone else. Remember, everyone's favorite subject is them self so that is always a good place to start a conversation. From what you've said it seems clear that she likes you, so make an effort to get to know her better and see where it leads.
Ooo. Ice cream. That's hot. LOLJK that's cold. Are you sure we're not the same person? xD Just try not to be too awkward. Just be cool, be yourself, and try to hang out with her and her friends. (I did the staring thing but I accidentally walked into a pillar ) The really tricky part is getting past the 'friends' stage. Look, I know you've probably heard this at least a thousand times (I have too) but you're 15. That doesn't mean you are incapable of love, it just means you have a lot of life left to live, unless your life gets cut short by some random c- Err. My point is that there are more fish in the sea, and there's a lot more sea to explore. Don't ruin your life on one fish. I've felt like I owed the world to one girl before, and it didn't exactly turn out too well. Writing about it also helps. I tend to put my girls in my books
Did the same thing but with Flag Pole, But the flag pole was alright got nice laugh out of it. The Pig: I was going say something but Secret and sqiggleyjeff have already said basically everything
Tis but a simple task my lad. You first head over to the store, and buy ingredients for thy cake. You then take the ingredients home and bake the cake. You bake the hell out of that cake and make it the best damn cake you've ever made. Then you take the cake to girl and give it to her. She accepts cake, invites you over to her house to share the cake with her, then.... you get it from here. "With questions comes many different forms of cake, all giving you the right answers. The problem you face is putting the right type of icing on the top."- roblikescake