smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. " The Day will come... when there will be zombie army marching, marching to over run the LLO "
    I wish there would be event like that, FOR THE LLO I SHALL RISE MY SWORD, AND SLAY ITS ENEMIES
  2. Was making newer umbrella corp overview video few days ago. Downloaded Lightworks, dosen't seem user friendly to me.
    Finished the video, not good offered formats. Exported, huge filesize, encoded to WMV. file.
    The result.
    Video screen was glitched, green box appeared and screen was shaking.
    Then i was "Screw this" and stopped making it.
    (Movie studio 11 seems better for me, though i don't even know when will i ever get the paid version...)
  3. Since the museum is under construction, maybe you could put it outside the entrance or to the side. I bet it would look good in a grassy courtyard where visitors go to eat their food from the museum cafe. :)
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  4. Griefing report:
    Nether portal is down (is missing one obsidian block, will fix that)
    This house also got griefed:

    Saw some few (panel) glasses griefed, but fixed it (they were minor damage thought)
    EDIT: Red line rail was also griefed :/
    EDIT2: Gah, north obsidian gen is broken, and grand station also got griefed(buttons, some powered rail got stoled, and i just remembered i had some obsidans at my village...)
    EDIT3: Nether portal is now fixed

    EDIT4: Did you know? When i'm not in-game i sometime check my village on my livemap, sometime i remember players name whowere at village/LLO. I sorta remember one players name and WAS naer the nether portal, when i went to the place that player was (even he wasn't in-game then) i saw that place has some minor griefing.....
    Altough i don't have a screenshot proof that player being there...

    EDIT5: Going to town to buy stuff and fix the damages.

    EDIT6: I don't understand how or what should i do to fix the grand central rail system:confused:
    I left some wools in the chest and if your going to fix the grand central, pm me becase i bought 11 redstone lamps, or replace it with pumpkins...

  5. I keep seeing creepers in LLO especially near the Yeti village
    Jakres likes this.
  6. This is my reaction to the griefing and min_miner topics
    saying it was a Diamond support from Umbrella Corp. is a obvious lie, they have never had a diamond support in their community and if you talk to havock via PM or mumble/vent you know that is not a guy that would do this because some little kids saying that him and his group of members are doing the damage around LLO. also my opinion about Min_Miner, he shouldn't be allowed back to LLO after what he did i know some of you will disagree with me but i think after what he did and he try to cover his track with a "Great Story he told Panda and Runewulf" he's not welcome here. Sorry but that's what i think about a Greifers/members who lies to Fellow EMC and LLO members
  7. Jakres and shavingfoam like this.
  8. Could our great, glorious mods and admins code a server specific ban? In that case, you could let unbanned players back on, but not on the server they got banned.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. Yeah, I know I have posted on Umbrella Corp in the thread and yeah some of it creeped me out at first because 1. I can't stand Resident Evil because it just seems TOO realistic, I like Walking Dead and L4D since WD is a comic and L4D is a game and I know it's not gonna happen I guess. Anyway in RE there is the Umbrella Corp. who turns people into Zombies. I also know that people like to roleplay in games and SOME can get too into the RP and well I didn't know if that was happening or what. Havock posted that they had no intention to take over LLO or anything. Yeah I'll make jokes about it every now and then but I like to have fun and not be so serious all the time.

    As for Min I have mixed feelings. A handful of us spent time and some of us, money into the farm. Everyone was fine and we were a community, we trusted each other, helped out and gave when it was needed. Everything was awesome, we were like a Utopia. Then suddenly all our animals were slaughtered and everyone started feeling uneasy and unsure who did it, people were on alert to try to catch the person who had wronged everyone. When I caught him and told Rune, Rune asked him and he couldn't give straight answers. He said he would then kill himself to go back to town and buy the stuff needed to replace the animals, he went to the top of Jelly's house and jumped, hitting the pathway and dieing. Joking I said "Now we wait for the "OH MAN I SLEPT, I'M NOT IN TOWN!" to which Min replied "Hey don't worry, I'm in town now!" when Rune and I mentioned that if he were at town spawn he wouldn't be able to hear or reply to us and Min logged off and never returned. We reported him and he failed to reply until days later after he was banned.

    I am somewhat miffed that he lied about what he did and tried to get out of it and used the Diamond Supporter excuse. I am miffed that after that, people seemed to start accusing people of things (Ex: Mr_Petter's name on the sign.) People became very paranoid, myself included. We were always trailing behind people to make sure they weren't griefers, etc. I feel that once the rules are broken and you're Permabanned then that's should be the end, no more EMC for you. That's how it is elsewhere. But at the same time I guess I can get the second chance thing.

    Chumbawamba :D
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  10. yea i know now everyone is paranoid about their stuff getting greifed i check the North LLO every 2 days and fix alot of damage building nothing big taken just pity stuff like someone being a jerk. about 2 chances on EMC 621op had one to and you know most of EMC didn't trust him I did give a 2 chance which didn't end well "different story" so yep i prolly just ignore min in LLO or any where else ;)
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Someone want to uh, well safely guide me back to LLO, not now or not tommorrow, but i would inform when, cause i am having some internet problems with EMC servers :D
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Lol, I guess I just wanted to post my side for all, it went from a reply to a "this is my 2 cents"

    Yeah Some of it might not be EMC's fault. from what I'm seeing, if it's lag, Mojang's fault. It started with the update and no matter what it's lagtastic. I haven't been on much because I don't want to lose things like people have been posting. If you use the rail then good luck, last time I was on it parts were missing and at one point it curves around to dump you into a deep hole.
    Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  13. I myself am truly sorry for what I what I have done.
    I honestly am really sorry what the killing of the mobs in the LLO.
    I will NEVER do it again ever and I swear my heart I won't grief in any properties of the LLO.
    I am telling all LLO Members I am sorry.
    Please forgive me in my awful griefing.
    Kind Regards,
    Jakres likes this.
  14. :eek:I never saw that coming! xD. I was skyping him when he wrote this.
    Jakres likes this.
  15. will you all fellow of the LLO and EMC members allow me to join the LLO again?
    Kind Regards,
    Jakres likes this.
  16. I have to report a new grieving. Almost all the rails on the white line have been removed and grand central had been wiped out. There are no buttons or note boxes etc. I do not have enough stuff to fix the grievings. I will see what I can do.
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I am proud to announce the LLO Times! Luke4214 and I have decided to create a news paper/magazine like thing. It will be released monthly and hopefully we will have it to hand out very soon. If you would like to submit a column please contact me. I am looking to have an interview with zulu9 and also we will have a creation spotlight for someone to have their creating shown off.
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  18. I will just mention that I have claimed floor 13 in the skyscraper to be the Wild HQ of Miner Co. I hope people are ok with this.
    Jakres likes this.
  19. Herp Derp Woah Wrooom Swooooosh! ( yes i do own a cape ;D )
    Good Mornin, i did not sleep well :D
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  20. yeah that's okay :)
    Jakres likes this.