[CONTEST] EMC Mansion - Room Decorating Contest 2024

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by MoreMoople, May 9, 2024.

  1. It prevents peek'ers. Actually an idea I stole from Linden (i think it was)
  2. Hey moops
    When will rooms be judged. Im just curious?
  3. i think its a community (popularity contest) vote? kinda wised it wasnt
  4. Moople, we blocked up the doorway because we have parrots in the room. Will they fly out if the door is opened or did you setup some kind of boundry that mobs can't cross?

    BlockHead_56 likes this.
  5. y
  6. Sometimes people just vote for their friends regardless of how good or bad their build is
  7. the 'y' was an accident
  8. I'm wondering the same about my frogs...

  9. There is no barrier like that right now, so if the door is open they may escape. :(
    BlockHead_56 and farmerguyson like this.
  10. Wanted to apologize to my fellow contestants. I had signed up given that I had a more free month this July, but life happened, and between life events preventing me from having any long game sessions to build something for this event.

    So I apologize for the empty room I left within the mansion, being neighbor to many beautiful builds build with lots of effort. Cheers and looking forward to explore each room.
  11. Its a summer theme, so we could ask moople to put up a sign "Schools out for Summer!"
  12. We can always run around and find them on the res somewhere and egg them ;)
  13. ill post some pictures of myself & spyros room, for those who cannot log on and inspect them in game. we are in room 16 :D
    map art took basically the duration of the contest and its 9x5 which translates to 1152 x 640 blocks which totals to a total area of 737,280 blocks

    map art
  14. The map art is amazing!!
    BlockHead_56 and Tuqueque like this.
  15. can we buy the mapart of is it only for the room?
    BlockHead_56 and Tuqueque like this.
  16. yeah, once i get enough maps to clone it a few times
  17. ok, bc i love it, its gorgeous
  18. Yep, that art looks fantastic. Would also love a copy when ready.
    BlockHead_56, Tuqueque and MoreMoople like this.
  19. I would definitely love to get a copy of that too.
  20. Voting is now OPEN! I have opened the doors to rooms and added teleports into rooms that have mobs inside. :D

    Please only vote once PER PERSON (not per account). Also, if you are one of the contestants, please do not beg others to vote for you. The voting will end on Sunday, August 4th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EMC time.

    Check out the rooms at /utopia /v EMC_Mansion. I hope that you all appreciate these builds, because they are so creative and amazing!


    *Note: The players listed on the voting form are players who completed enough of the build to be eligible for a prize.
    ultipig, BlockHead_56, Envine and 3 others like this.