[AMA] I'm IcecreamCow - Original Founder of EMC - Ask Me Anything

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by IcecreamCow, May 19, 2024.

  1. when are u comming back would be rilly fun
    to show like cool projects and builds pipel made since there are rilly good builders
    im more of a functional disign person
    as in what the player sees can be a little bit in a theme and the rest just functional smoot stone efrt where or even better black stone simce i have like thousands i always build with blackstone since i have so mutch i have like more than 80k
    Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  2. Well, I certainly would be interested and have had ideas for years on re-launching GameKrib or even another Minecraft type server, but sadly I'm the community manager type and would need a good programmer type partner, haha. But, the question is also a bit backwards. We actually used a TF2 forum to launch GameKrib, then used GameKrib to launch EMC. I am starting up a little community forum website for Sea of Thieves, though. So hopefully some fun comes from that! :)
  3. I'm glad you realised! From an outsider's perspective, it seems to be a common problem in the USA. And with the stuff they sell at American supermarkets, if you don't pay attention to what you're eating, you're probably eating terrible stuff.
    Tuqueque likes this.

  4. For real. The thing that sucks about it, is a lot of people don't realize that food is bad for them because it affects people slowly over time. Generally if things don't do something to you immediately, you don't see it as a threat.
    Tuqueque and ultipig like this.
  5. I didn't see anyone ask this but why did you sell it to Aikar? This thing was humming. Also, and don't get mad, but I heard there was some drama on the server at that time with players. Is this true and if it was what was the drama? Thank you.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. Well, the business was officially in Justin's name under his LLC. He got to a point in his life at that time where he wasn't able to dedicate time to it anymore (family things, etc.). At the time there was nobody else around that we knew of that had coding experience, so things were handled in a way that would keep EMC running with Justin leaving. From what I was told, it was a spoken agreement that things would simply operate as they were and I would be kept around, which happened for a bit, and then, it didn't. Haha. There was no "official contract" made and there were things I was told that ended up going the opposite way in the end. I don't want to get into it to much though on here with the details though, because it'd be not very professional and all that. I've talked with some people on discord and such privately that really want to know things from my side, but it's nothing I think would be appropriate in a public forum, honestly.

    The drama you probably heard about was during a time where we had another server up afterwards, and of course had some shared players, because obviously. We were relaxed over there about talking about other servers, including EMC. But, it was very opposite here. I think they even censored our server name at that point from what I was told, which made me laugh. People would mention it here, (even though we did our best to tell people NOT to, out of respect for EMC's new ownership wishes), and I would get a stern talking to asking me to make them stop. Unfortunately other than asking people not to do it, though, I wasn't their mother's so had no control over what they actually did, lol.

    All in all, it was all childish stuff. Other than my livelihood at the time, any drama, was very minimal and not very serious. I was never a fan of drama, online or in real life, so always tried to keep it to a minimum when I could.
    Tuqueque, KryptoNerd and 607 like this.
  7. drama alert
    Tuqueque and IcecreamCow like this.
  8. Assuming you've been peaking around and exploring this place since your absence, what would you like/wish was implemented into the server/community to help try to revive or at least add some spice to those still around?
    Tuqueque and IcecreamCow like this.
  9. does this other server stil exsist and where is it
    i wana see emcs sister server
    Tuqueque and IcecreamCow like this.
  10. EMC was transferred to Aikar back in December 2013. You joined the forums in January 2021. That's a 7 year difference.

    Does make me wonder if a bunch of people, like LZBZ_DW, went there.
  11. It does not currently exist.
    Tuqueque and ultipig like this.
  12. Well, it really needs some love from the top for it to go forward. Chicken is obviously doing a great job keeping up with updates and such and Moople is doing what they can with community management. Though, it's also clear they both have very busy lives outside of this, and for something like a Minecraft community (or any for that matter) to thrive and not just coast along, it really needs daily and active love from all angles, both development and community interaction wise. For some reason, possibly real life situations, it seems that love from the tippy top here has faded out a while ago.

    As far as ideas, I have a ton of them. Things I think would be not only fun but wildly different (and some we tried on our other server back in the day) from what's out there. Though, it would take the above said things to be in full swing for them to prosper, of course.
    Tuqueque, TomRichey, Eclipsys and 3 others like this.
  13. does a world download exsist just curioes since i would love to exsplore it
    Tuqueque likes this.
  14. It does not. Just a bunch of random notes in my Google drive, haha.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  15. How often did you check the EMC forums in the years between the time you left and the beginning of last year (when you started interacting again)?

    Tuqueque, 607 and fadedmartian like this.
  16. Here and there. I was always curious on if it was going to be actually kept up on growing or just kinda left to sit where it was at. Also, was curious to see if Dragon Tombs was ever going to exist. Haha. Man, the ideas we had at "other" server for doing Dragon Tombs was actually really amazing, haha. We did a lot of brainstorming back in the day for funsies.
    Tuqueque, 607 and ultipig like this.
  17. I think I've still got the Skript content that smooch made somewhere.
    Tuqueque, Eclipsys and IcecreamCow like this.
  18. Ah yes. Skript, the language that let even a dumb dumb like me make some features, lol.
    Tuqueque and nfell2009 like this.
  19. so, when can we expect for you to pour some love into this community? :p
  20. That would be from the glory years of inception in 2011ish until I wasn't welcome anymore around 2014ish. So much love was poured, and some Dragon Poop.
    Tuqueque, NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.