2025-Update done, including prices where possible 2025 Promo Price Thread emc.gs/t/81637 Check out the Staff Signature Acquisition Thread by Fighter_ethan at emc.gs/t/85629! In the following order: Admins Senior Staff Developers Retired Admin/SS/Dev Moderators Retired Staff / Alts ========================================== Admins: Aikar: 2013 DP Head | 1 mil PVP Head | Purple Aikar Head 2014 | 1mil + Purple Aikar Head 2017 | 800k+ 2015 Birthday Head | 2mil Banner Contest | New Year Head 2016 | 250k (2023-08) New Year Head 2017 | 70k (2024-11) New Year Head 2019 | 350k New Year Head 2020 | 300k New Year Head 2021 | 200k (2023-05) 2019 PPP Head | 550k 2021 PPP Head | 140k (2022-03) 2022 PPP Head | 200k Aikar’s regular head “is also in circulation” (source) chickeneer: PPP chickeneer 2021 | 140k (2022-03) PPP chickeneer 2022 | 200k PPP chickeneer 2023 | ? chickeneer’s regular head is also in circulation chickeneers Secret Santa head 2022: ? chickeneer Christmas Head 2024: ? Krysyy: PvP Krysyy | 650k Purple Krysyyjane Head 2014 | Purple Krysyy Head PPP 2017 | 4mil + PPP 2019 | 600k PPP 2020 | 315k PPP 2021 |140k (2022-03) PPP 2022 | 300k (2023-07) New Year's Head 2019 | 350k New Year's Head 2020 | 300k regular Blue: Krysyy head, prize for staff event, alternates with light purple and green. 200k regular Purple: Prize for staff event, alternates with green and light blue | 300-400 k Green: Prize for staff event, alternates with light blue and light purple | 400k Orange: Prize for staff event Firefloor (Last Block Standing) 850k (2020-08) Yellow: Prize for staff event, Stairway to Heaven Red: Not released Dark Purple: Not released ========================================== Senior Staff: ElfinPineapple: Obtainable by killing him at a staff-hosted PvP event Hashhog: Has a few floating around, might sell at museum for 50k JDHallows: Prize at staff event ---> JDHallows PvP | MoreMoople: unknown number in circulation, given out as prize for certain events.(2020-01) ========================================== Developers: MoreMoople:SS TheCritic: 3 known Aikar's Alts: EmpireMinecraft: N/A chickeneer's Alts: ChickenEar: exist duckeneer: N/A pigeoneer: N/A turkeneer: N/A EyeCar: None exist Krysyy's prev. : Krysyyjane9191 RoseyBelle (orangekrysyy) : 1 known ElfinPineapple Prev. Name: ElfinPineapple0: A couple exist, unsure of method of acquisition. Hashhog's Prev. Name and Alts: Prev. Name: hashhog3000: exists Alts: TheApostrophe: exists GoldenHashhog: exists ===================================== Admin section at v2023.0.0, everything else v2022.12.4 Please note that I am not responsible if the info on this thread is not 100% accurate! This thread is fueled by the community and its experiences with obtaining staff heads. Most, if not all, of these are not my own findings, but from auctions or confirmed sales..
Retired Admin / SS / Dev and Other Info: JustinGuy: None exist :/ sorry GameKribJeremy: None exist :/ sorry IceCreamCow: At least a couple exist IceCreamCow Valentine's Day head promo 5Mil EMCCon 2012 Icecreamcow's Head- 2 exist (more info here) Maxarias: Only promos exist. these average 80k AlexC__: There are likely about 20-30 around AusQB: None exist :/ sorry B4DMAN5IMON: Only one in existence BigDavie: was given as prize for staff event Dark_Liz: (at least 1 exists, but owned by Empire) Elite: unknown Eviltoade: Prize for personal events 1.5mil GameKribJim: At least a couple exist ignoramoose: exist (currently used by Krysyy) ItsMeMatheus: Selling for 2Mil at 3016 just_five_fun: at least a few exist JesusPower2: At least a couple exist (est. 300k) MileHi: None exist :/ sorry (last used prior to heads) Justin/Jeremy test account MrSocks75: 2 exist- 1st found by BrenJone (bought by raaynn) 2nd won by Tower (bought by EvilToade) PirateOfDW: unknown RainbowChin: At least 60 exist PvP Head: Prize for staff PvP event "Kill That Chin". 200k Sazukemono: At least a few exist shaunwhite1982: A few are in circulation The_Boulder: Prize for staff PvP event (Auc: 235k: 2022-09) WA9ACE: A couple exist (RogueRevan 4mil) AlexC__ Prev. Name and Alts: Prev. Name: AlexChance: exist Alts: AlexMcAlexFace: N/A EnragedAlex: N/A ItsMeMatheus's Alts: EMC: Fairly rare, to some extent. JDHallows' Prev. Names and Alts: Prev. Names: JDHallow: N/A on exact amount, but these heads probably won't be released again jhall10: Quite a few exist Alts: ProfessorHallows: None exist DarkLordHallows: None exist WeasleyHallows: None exist RainbowChin's Alts: MoonbowChin: A few in circulation Aikarias: exist DerelictPolicy: exist ForumUser: exist The_Boulder's Alts: The_Pebble: Was available for purchase for 2r at 5688 (Only 10 avail. per month) WA9ACE / RogueRevan's Prev. Name: C0deMaver1ck: None exist Moderators: AnonReturns: At least 10 in circulation crystaldragon13: 14 heads in circulation from Halloween '17. A few old orange heads in circulation. jaqque: exist JNightwind: exist (2020-02) regular: provides to museums, occasionally others on a case by case DJ Nightwind: 3 in circulation (2020-06) halloween: none given yet JohnKid: Quite a few around ThatSillyJohnKid: Quite a few exist. NickkG: Only 3 exist as of last asking Raaynn: currently given via events only Blue: 8 in circulation. Green/gold: 10 in circulation. Green/silver: 3 in circulation. LibraRaaynn: 7 (of 10) in circulation HistoRaaynn: 2 (of 10) in circulation weeh: Free to museums, otherwise unknown carolmoss's Alts: carolofthebells: 6 exist with normal head carolofthebells (santa hat): 6 exist, 2 in circulation TheMossMonster: 13 exist from a giveaway around Halloween '17. Sammerz: None known to be in existence. Raaynn's Alts: Capt_Bloodbeard (a couple exist) weeh's Alts: w33h: N/A w33h1: 2 known _weeh_: N/A ====================================== Admin section at v3.0.0, everything else v2.12.3
Team Members (note: Staff heads maintained in staff lists) Build Team Members corruptedsmile Cyberazaz101: exists Hashhog jewel_king JNightwind khixan: exists MoreMoople Progryck WyntyrRaevyn: exixts 99marvel Contribution Team Members jewel_king MoreMoople Raaynn triphora Stream Team Members
Retired Staff 5weety: exists Ahksel: exists Ahzrael allengero: exists Amadai: exists AncientLore AncientTower: Was selling for 2,000,000r at 4945, 3 exist (1 at PWU). (upd. 2020-01) ChristmasTower: 6 exist. No longer obtainable. AncientTower Alts: CallMeTower: approx. 150 exist. AncientHalloween: 35 in circulation (2017/18 version) (250k 2018 10) 5 in (2019 version) AncientValentine: 101 exist, given out at 2021 Valentine exchange Tower_: None exist AndrewBuchinger Aphaea: exists ArtemisV: exists AusQB see above AZHamster: exists B4DMAN5IMON see above barks87 Baradar67 150k about 15 heads batmegh: exists BigDavie: see above bitemenow15: exists Blackstone71: exists bloodra1n bob23646 bonzd67: exists BreezyMan 250k BurgerKnight: Green: Approx. a dozen in circulation Orange: would exchange for 1 compliment given in Town Chat. Also may be given for completing a task for BK. Was selling for 2k at 5688 on Utopia. Previous names: BlackKnight1021: 5k KnightyNight: 5k Burki: 2 exist (fBuilderS 10-15 exist) (Fubbadub exist) carolmoss: There are heads in circulation, but she does not give them out. She may give a signature if asked politely. Crazy1080 Czarina_Julie: exists d1223m DarkModFallen: 5-10 exist 750k (EffinBatman) Dark_Liz see above Dark_Nidus: exists deadmon5: would trade heads (2020-01) Deathtomb8953: exists Dreacon78; apparently 2 in existence DrewRadio: exists DWmom 250k (range 150-300) EdmundWayne Elite see above EmperorMelon previous names: Manchildie: exist ArchdukeMelon: 1.2 mil (upd. 2020-01) EvilBlo: exists Eviltoade see above FaustLauncher FDNY21 400k sells at smp9 museum GameKribJEREMY/IcecreamCow see above GameKribJim see above Green_Mystery: exists hatorijr highlancer54: exists HxCami10 100k iamcavie 100k ItsMeMatheus see above IceQueenDawn 100k (Dramanya 65k) iSmooch: exists JackBiggin: sold head, but price was constantly changing. JDHallows see above JesusPower2 see above just_five_fun see above JustinGuy see above LittleRobotSeffy (seffychan) exists Live2DieSlowly: Only one in existence, supposedly Luckygreenbird: Green: Will give head if asked politely. Red: For sale for 500k. Luneyia: exists Malicaii12 margaritte: exists MauryPoppins Maxarias see above MercenaryCrow: exists Melk73: exists MileHi see above MrSocks75: 2 exist- 1st found by BrenJone (bought by raaynn) 2nd won by Tower (bought by EvilToade) Myeno NinjaBroccoli_ : exists NurseKillJoy NZScruffy: exists OrigamiJoe: exists PirateofDW see above R0bbieJo: exists roja22 Sachrock: exists alts: If it begins with Deco_, it has a lot of heads in existence. And I mean a LOT. samsimx 40k Sazukemono see above shaunwhite1982: exists shavingfoam: exists Silken_Thread: Sells his head at 13131 on smp6 for 30k rupees SkeleTin007 Free slozon Slvr Free (LongJohnSlvrs, SilvrBuildBlocks *Unobtaiable, SlvrBuildsBlocks Free and (Black Coffee, Mountain Dew, Orange Soda 100-150k) Corrupted 360k) superdog93: exists ThaKloned: very few in circulation (est. 200k) (Alt) KlonedInc; in circulation The_Drifter92 Tikiman678: exists Torian42: some exist https://empireminecraft.com/threads/selling-moderator-head-torian42.41429/#post-777853 1mil Twitch1 Uber_Corq: exists WA9ACE see above xXvexenXx: exists Zegridathes: exists Zion_Moyer: exists
Retired Team Members (note: Staff heads maintained in staff lists) Build Team (Retired) A_Dolphin AlexC__ Arcaniax B4DMAN5IMON (former Lead) CDJS (former Lead): exists Computrix: exists Digition Eclipsys: exists Eviltoade Fexu: exists ForeverMaster0: exists galazeek: exists liamwill Jelle68: exists Kephras: exists Melk73 MrSocks75 NinjaBroccoli_ N0TSURE: exists Rex1o Roslyn (former Lead): exists samsimx Schlaf82 Contribution Team (Retired) _Stads_: exists AlexC__ (former lead) autumnrain26: At least 5 heads exist, 4 with certificates bemvino87 BlinkyBlinky Bro_im_infinite: exists CadenMann: exists Carbonyx: exists cTJx DaJaKoe Deathconn: exists EMCElijah: exists EnderMagic1: exists FDNY21 (former Lead) ItsMeMatheus (former Lead) JakeMC17 jkrmnj: exists jrm531 Kephras: exists kevdudeman: exists LuckyPat mba2012 NetherSpecter nfell2009 Olaf_C: exists PenguinDJ Phelps4 poofasaurus: exists QuarterStop Qkazooo: exists samsimx Shelluser: exists Slvr Smooshed_Potato: exists SnowyBearr SoulPunisher StoneSky tigerstar UltiPig: exists Stream Team (Retired) AlexC__ Ch33zus: exists Cyberazaz101: exists DaybreakerMC deadmon5 HxCami10 JackBiggin: sold head, but price was constantly changing. legokeeper2975 pascal1881 PeculiarPotato: exists Sachrock Sambish samsimx Sefl: exists
Happy 2023 all. Newly added team members and retired team members heads. Have added those that I have confirmed the existence of heads, but anyone with info on others... would be grateful for the info!
I am the current owner of the orange Kryssy head, it is currently on display at my res. I had no idea how much it's worth! I only knew that it was the original and it was special! :O
I can confirm a few of the "exists" from my vaulted inventory. I have (Not including my own): battmeghs, Deathtomb8953, Silken_thread (+signature), Aikarias, shuanwhite1982. ..And then in my special vaults I have 2 Maxarian heads (Maxarias promos) and 1 ICC V-Day. I can screenshot to show them if needed.
Thanks autumn. Yes all the ones with "exists" we ha e confirmation of, but no price to reference to in order to put a value