The Programming Thread

Discussion in 'Byte Chat' started by MoreMoople, Mar 19, 2020.


Do you program?

Yes, all the time! 12 vote(s) 21.4%
Yes, sometimes :) 21 vote(s) 37.5%
Yes, but just for fun :D 8 vote(s) 14.3%
I tried it once... 9 vote(s) 16.1%
Nope. Nope. Nopity Nope nope. 4 vote(s) 7.1%
I don't, but I would like to :) 2 vote(s) 3.6%
  1. Working on a custom python web scraper cause I don't have the flexibility in either link searching or rate limiting that I need. Got the fundamental idea setup in words - just need to translate it to code.

    Learning more python on the fly at the same time makes it quite the ball. :D
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  2. Very good! More people should do this. :)
    Sadie_Dragon likes this.
  3. Lol, I came across quite a strange part in my code for the EMC Text Adventure Visualiser. :p
    (stripped of newlines and comments, so it's more obvious what's going on)
    rx *= 2; ry *= 2
    canrun = true
    rx /= 2; ry /= 2
    Hm, I think I can remove the first and the third of those lines. :p
    (yeah sorry, GML allows omitting semicolons and when I got started with it I had not yet used any language that used them, so I got used to not using them; they're obviously necessary when putting multiple lines on the same line, though)
  4. Hi!
    Does anyone know how to create a web application? I want to have the user interact with radio buttons and checkboxes. The program should do some calculations based on the set values, and display a result. Preferably live if desired, although requiring a button press is okay if that is a lot simpler.
    Progryck likes this.
  5. Unless there are some more qualified people who want to try this I would like to give this a shot. :)
    (although it has been a year since I had to write web based code, since I switched jobs, but it would be good to refresh it)
    607 likes this.
  6. Thanks for the reply!
    But I'd like to try it myself, I just couldn't find what to use. :) JavaScript? HTML5? Something else I can't think of? I have experience programming Windows applications and I have experience coding simple web pages, but I have never made an application on the web, except when using GameMaker Studio and it's HTML5 export (but GameMaker is definitely not suitable for this, as it doesn't support the HTML elements like radio buttons and checkboxes). I think I could work it out though, if someone can point me towards a suitable combination of languages. :)
    Progryck likes this.
  7. In that case I would indeed go for just Javascript combined with HTML. Just adding an "onchange" event to your input fields that call a javascript function to calculate would make it calculate live without having to press a button or anything. Guessing we are going a bit of topic or too detailed for this thread but do let me know if you need any more help or if it's finished, seems interesting.
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  8. I've wanted to ask this earlier but I've forgotten:

    Anyone here skilled with programming in ASM? :cool:
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  9. No, but I know people who are. :p
  10. Not part of the EMC community, RIP
  11. Thanks!
    I'll get started with it. :D
  12. For what architecture?
    But no, I'm not. :p
  13. JavaScript can handle that easily. If you don't need a serverside language then don't use one. Server side should be for procesisng data that the client cannot be trusted to know or process correctly. As long as you don't mind the client being able to see your code or data that you're processing, just use JS. Drop me a PM if you're struggling.
    607 and JesusPower2 like this.
  14. I can do this in C# and Swift, but not in web languages. :p
    607 likes this.
  15. It's good to expand your skillset/repertoire! :)
  16. I got the JavaScript working. :D
    Progryck and UltiPig like this.
  17. Hey all! I just updated the OP. I might have more resources to add there soon. :D

    Lately I've been focusing on my Machine Programming (Assembly/C) and Discrete Math (Java) classes. I also got a job in the ICT Systems department at a university, so I've been learning a lot of new things lately!

    Have any of you been working on projects recently? :)
    __Devil_ and 607 like this.
  18. Code:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main(){
        char language[6] = C code
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
            printf("I have been working on %s!\n", language);
            printf("and I will say it %d more times!\n", 10-i);
    (I hope this is right, not like I tested it or optimized it.)
    MoreMoople likes this.
  19. Do you use assembly language just for fun, or is it still relevant for something? I assume you're not coding for decades old machines?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  20. For the labs we've used Assembly to make LEDs light up on the Arduino board. We also made a Morse code decoder with it. As far as actual uses... Supposedly the class will give us a better understanding of how computers work. I think the Discrete Math class will be much more useful. ;)
    607 likes this.