For something that doesn't affect people that much, doing a formal bug report can be a bit tedious, although it is easy to do. Is there a command we could use? /reportbug Goat Head Head
I guess we could add a command that sends people to It is actually crazy how many issues people don't report... Thinking someone else is going to report it... By the time I find out, everyone online already knew about it (because it was discussed in Community chat but never reported).
Yea in this case their wasn't a need to report it on /pmdev.emc because i told a dev member in community chat and i Quote them saying "Yes it was fixed within minutes of you reporting it" in Pm's not /cc, But that would be a great command for future reference that way all the dev team gets the /bugreport. I just thought i did my job by reporting it to a dev team member and following up to make sure it was fixed.
I think something to remember is that most things on minecraft servers like EMC, when something is fixed in the code its not active in game until at minimum the next reboot of the server
Very true jewel that's what the dev team member was referring to is the code was fixed most likely, Then in game fixed on reboot.
If that's what people want to believe then no at this point it cant be proven but all i know is i got 2 the night of the 6th and it was fixed on the 7th upon reboot from me reporting the bug to a dev. So unless someone got one within those few hrs. which theirs also no way to prove. But I want to say my Goat Head Head is the same as everyone's Goat Head Head. I guess in Emc you can literally get a skin with a creeper head and name it creeper head in an anvil and its legit by peoples words but so wrong and manipulating and should be illegal. Same as getting a regular head and putting it in an anvil to rename it to match a legit special drop in Emc. But its worth more to me because i know it was a legit drop and had a pretty good laugh in /cc with other's. So all in all it's just a good memory now.
UPDATE it can be proved TheOG Goat Head Heads between fakes through shop signs only the originals are able to be sold with the original tag Goat Head Head and the renamed ones cannot be sold since it was renamed. and also the renamed ones don't stack with the original Goat Head Head's. And also the Goat Head Heads that are renamed don't stack unless renamed together but will still sell to a fake Renamed box and not to the OG Box. So if theirs any others out their i will now be buying Goat Head Head's for 2m ruppees good luck may the odds be ever in your favor....muhahaha
this is a bizarre flex within EMC's history, though i do wish you all the best in obtaining heads of goaties
Will do faded, dev's have been made aware and has changed their words on this from "indistinguishable" to it cannot be "visually" identified. Nothing elts on this matter please everybody Unless its a "Price Inquiry" its been a headache from a simple drop......QUE THA GOATIES MEMES PLEASE.......
Wait, really? I'm not quite sure what you mean sometimes, because your posts are hard to read. This sounds interesting, though!
He's saying that attempting to sell/buy the heads through shop signs will tell you if it's fake or not because only the real shop signs will say "Goat Head Head". However, I don't think that's the case. I rename player heads for my board game pieces at the treehouse, and the chess piece shop signs use the names that I renamed the heads to. They say "White Knight" and etc. You could still set up a fake Goat Head Head shop and sell them. The only way that you'd know that you're getting real Goat Head Heads is if you made the shop sign yourself, using a real Goat Head Head with the # function. The fake renamed ones won't sell to it. But this is the only way to know if it's real. If you try to buy Goat Head Heads from others' shops, you could easily be scammed. For anyone who doesn't already own a real Goat Head Head, they have absolutely no way of knowing if the heads that they buy are real or not.
Yea.... lol I poke my keyboard xD not good at typing just gaming. Ill explain it one more time due to my typing. I have a OG Goat head head and hit a sign. It will now only be able to sell an OG goat head head to the box and not renamed one's. I also made a box and hit a different sign with a Goat head renamed "Goat head head" and it will only buy Goat head renamed "Goat head head" and not the OG Goat head heads. So in turn the shop signs actually can tell the difference between the two. But still visually their is no other way to tell. The reason no one could figure this out is they Didn't think of this or don't have them to do the testing. So I had an idea and hit a sign with one and it worked. But like I said its just a uniqe and good memory of the 1.17 update for me. But on the contrary is different by code but not visually then a renamed Goat Head. Hope that clears my typing up a lil xD
That makes sense! But SteamingFire is right, in that case it means you can only know that one is original if you've already got one of which you know that it is original. It's not like the Pots of Gold, where used ones won't stack and unused ones will, and as such you can always tell of a pair whether both are original or not. (at least I'm assuming this to be the case: I've never seen two used pots of gold stack, but that doesn't mean it can't happen, I suppose )
Yes if you don't have both an original and a fake their would be no way to make two different signs. Only a fake sign that will buy all fakes and not originals. And the two originals do stack but just not with the fakes. And fakes will not stack with each other unless renamed on the same anvil. But like I said please everybody no more on this matter fake or not. Unless a "price inquiry" like the original thread, Thank you(Or Goaties Meme's)xD