Requested: Frisian Flag

Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by 607, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. I would be interested in this job, though I'm currently working on another project on SMP8. If no one else gets back to you I should be available in a couple weeks :)
    607 likes this.
  2. You know what... :p

    Tom and I are going to do it... I own't promise anything, but I hope to have the materials prepared this afternoon, and the build done tomorrowor saturday... I don't have a lot going on these few days anwyay...

    But first: I have to figure out how to properly do map art... I've never before worked on it :p Then, I'll get the materials over (I alredey have them, I just need to find them) building it shouldn't take more than a two or three afternoons... I hope... (I'm a relativly quick schematica builder)
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  3. Cool! You can use one of the bright red blocks, right?

    I did realise just now that I would like to see what it looks like without the antialiasing. Um, waffle? :p
    Because while I think that the smoothing looks good on the example, I noticed that there is no such smoothing on the other maps, not even in the circle for Japan.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Yes, we have multiple DCs of redstone blocks. :)
  5. I did some mapy stuff...

    -Left is Waffle's original with only slight ajustments to make the colours more plain (she made some mapping mistakes) and to makeit less expensive (glased terracotas have the same colour as wools);
    -middle left is the same one with some added brightness of redstone blocks;
    -middle right is one that uses some map magic to make the white even brighter, and the blue a tone lighter without using lapis, adding an even brighter red to the mix aswell with the same trick;
    -right is the same without anti-aliasing.

    Here is with anti-aliasing (left) and without anti-aliasing (right) once more.

    I would personally go for the middle right one: this one, in my oppinion, looks the best. In addition: that trick I talked about makes it easier to build. (long story...)


    This took me a bit longer than expected: I spend roughly three hours on changing mapy stuff... It's nothing significant though...

    I've alredey started planning out where to build it :p


    EDIT: If you want to take a look at it for yourself: here is a world download.
    If you're wondering why I have only the one flag on this one: my world corrupted shortly after I took that screenshot -_- I had to re-make it (that's why this is edited in 30 minutes later)
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  6. It was waffle, not Moople. :p
    But yeaah, it's better with the anti-aliasing. I also do like the more vibrant colours in the right ones. I did check in-game right now and the official maps really don't have anti-aliasing. Interesting that they don't look so jagged.
    I do wonder how the more vibrant colours will look in comparison to the maps already on the wall.
    By the way, I'm a bit confused: do you prefer the middle left one or the middle right one? You said the middle left one, but you also referred back to the trick which you mentioned at the middle right one.
  7. Great :)
    I edited out the mistakes... Indeed, I prefer the middle right one. Also: I made a thing that makes it possible to look at this flag in-game too :p

    Anyway: I am going to start prepairing to build this thing... I want to be up and ready and on location to build before tomorrow. If anything changes, I will be able to do that for quite a while still :p
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  8. Anndd... there you go:

    Located on SMP8 at -1002000 -999600, I've made your maps :p

    Could you set up an access chest on SMP8, such that I can drop a map of this location there? Small changes to the design can still be made if you want us to, but, if everything's fine, Tom and I are going to take the (buildmoded) 1.5 DC of redstone blocks out of the build, and then leave the place :p

    It took a bit longer than expected, as we aparently had sold all our blue wool, so we had to gather 5DC of it from scratch, but, apart from that, we managed to make everything cleanly and without trouble. I had some audiobooks to listen to. :p


    As a quick side note: I see that you are having an uneven map on your orangeduck607 res: maps get less bright when the light that illuminates them is less bright, and do so on the borders, creating a visuable change of colour between them. To prevent this, place sea lanterns behind the item frames, to illuminate al of it with light level 15 :)

    607, TomvanWijnen and wafflecoffee like this.
  9. Thank you, this is great. :D

    The lighting sounds like a good idea, I'll try that (if I remember).

    I set up the access chest. :) I forgot to send payment right now; I will not forget to do that, though!
    TomvanWijnen, Egeau and wafflecoffee like this.
  10. I got it!
    Thanks for the glowstone too, I assumed that would work just as well as sea lanterns. :)
    The white stands out indeed! :p

    Now I wonder why the official maps aren't like that, I do like it. :)
    Egeau, HazardousUWU and TomvanWijnen like this.