It turns out I kept records for get-up times AND estimated fall-asleep times for the whole year. Here is the new graph (the negative times represent "before midnight" to preserve the integrity of the chart):
My schedule....... Fall asleep wake up and turn computer off and get out of chair and go to bed. wake up hour later and go to bathroom and pee go back to sleep on bed wake up and hour later and go to bathroom to pee go back to bed to sleep wake up in two hours and go to bathroom to pee go back to bed to sleep wake in 30 minutes when alarm goes off and go to the bathroom and pee stay awake for next 17-18hrs and repeat
My sleep schedule almost always follows one simple rule: I go to bed too late and later than I expected. Very easy to follow. In all seriousness, yeah, I have to be honest, that basically is my sleeping schedule... it always ends up being later than I intended it to be (example: now. It's 1:10 AM...), and that, unfortunately, is generally at a late time. I'm trying to be better but it's always been and remains to be quite hard. Maybe I will be better now that classes have started again! EDIT: and me working much better when it's late also doesn't help...
I tend to go to bed at 12 - 1am EMC time. Sometimes later if I don't feel like sleeping. Mornings are a bit different depending on the work shift. I'm up at 8:00am if they want me in earlier. 9:00am for my normal shift.
Usually stay awake until 5am or 6am on work days. Then sleep for 5 or 4 hours depending on which of the two times I went to bed at. Wake up at 10:15am to get ready for work and then walk to work. Then repeat until a day off. For days off I tend to stay awake through almost the whole night to the morning the day before my day off. Then proceed to sleep anywhere from 8-12 hours. Usually I'm up watching youtube or some cartoon I thought of and wanted to watch or anime or just playing games while checking discord every now and then.
Any of you guys feel like you could go to sleep earlier but you still wait some time after you finished the work that keeps you awake?
Why not do that during the day instead of during the night, though? I've had that a few times, I think! Not recently that I can recall, though.
My sleep schedule is awfully strange... At 10 PM (1 AM EMC time), I go for my nightly run, which is 3 miles. At 10:30, I get ready for bed while playing on EMC and doing music theory papers. From there, I'll either stay up for many hours or the whole night doing theory, or go to bed, which is usually around 1 AM (4 AM EMC time). I do a morning run at 6 AM (same path, 3 miles), then go back to bed (only if I haven't been up all night), and wake up at around 8.
I do it during the night because I'm a night owl/night person. I like the dark, the moon, stars and how much cooler it is during the night. Whereas I don't like the sun too much when it's beating down on me outside and the fact that it's much warmer out during the day because of the sun. Basically I don't like the heat Add in the fact that I tend to work from 11-6 or 11-7 and it makes sense that I'd be more used to being up during the night than the day.
Makes sense! I don't like the heat either, but when I don't get enough sun I feel depressed. I guess I have the worst of two worlds. I need sun, but I don't like it.
I go to sleep around 11 - midnight, I'll wake up some time around 4-5 in the morning (this morning it was 3am), I'll get up, feed my cat, eat a snack, and then go back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours
I log off of EMC around 11 pm each night to go sleep and wake up around 6 am. My body has been telling me to have a short nap around 2 pm but I make a pot of coffee then get going again. Before the virus I used to get up at 4:30 to drive my wife to work but not anymore. So I get more sleep now. It doesn't seem to make a difference in how much energy I have the next day.
Currently playing a split shift sleep schedule. I get home from work at 4:30 pm EMC time and crash until about 8 pm EMC time. (3 hour nap) Then I'm awake until 1-2 am. Then sleep til 6:30 am. (5 hour sleep) Then work.... Rinse and repeat during the week.
Huh, can't you plan it so you can sleep 8 hours at night? Not sure if that's better for you, of course.