The First Loser |S4:G1|

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Mar 16, 2020.


How many games of The First Loser have you participated in before?

None. 11 vote(s) 52.4%
One. 3 vote(s) 14.3%
Two. 1 vote(s) 4.8%
Three. 3 vote(s) 14.3%
More than three. 3 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. Funny thing is- I totally thought that I would lose this game like round one and I am still here lol.
    Joy_the_Miner, 607 and Sprhyngtime like this.
  2. You win some and lose some but I am happy to see this back.

    I also never thought I would make it that far heh.
    607 and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  3. I agree with SkeleTin. This is my first game and I'm surprised I lasted as long as I have! :eek:

    Good luck Tom and Jewel_King! I was voting to keep our column safe! :D
    607 likes this.
  4. Team spirit. :D

    I'm considering making the names of those who have voted public for the next game. I mean, I'm not intending to host the next game, but I could help the next host set it up if needed. :p
    Does this sound like a good idea? It should get rid of accidental double votes (like Skele liked to do :rolleyes:), but it would also create more room for foul play (as if someone noticed one person didn't vote for two rounds in a row, he could vote on behalf of that person next round, for example. This of course isn't allowed, but so far I've tried to make cheating as impossible as possible :p).
  5. Round 11 results, round 12 grid

    Winner: AmusedStew (3 votes)
    First Loser: TomvanWijnen (1 vote)
    Sprhyngtime likes this.
  6. Form doesn't work.
    607 likes this.
  7. Thanks, opened it. :)
    AmusedStew likes this.
  8. Aww, pity to be out now, but I'm surprised I got so far! This was also for me the most interesting edition I've participated in. :)

    Thanks :) It didn't last long for me, unfortunately. :p
    607 likes this.
  9. So close to the podium!
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  10. RIP, go Jewel_King!!
  11. The results are in already!

    Round 12 results

    Winner: Sprhyngtime (2 votes)
    First Loser (3rd place): jewel_king (1 vote)

    Tomorrow the form to vote for the winner of The First Loser Season 4 Game 1 will open. :)
    Sprhyngtime and AmusedStew like this.
  12. My money's on stew
    607 and AmusedStew like this.
  13. 607 likes this.
  14. Conflict of interest. ;)
    607 likes this.
  15. "Did you take the colours in the grid into account?"

    My first reaction: "what colours?!".... :p I think that answers the question as well... :p

    EDIT: aaaand the next question had the same answer... :p
    jacob5089, 607 and Jay2a like this.
  16. Yeah :p I went the whole game without noticing a background image
    607 likes this.
  17. Nope!
    However, I realised that I would like you both to answer the extra questions... after I post the final results (the podium, I mean), you can vote as belac and Stew as Bugsy, because both of them aren't actually allowed to vote, I also realised... only the First Losers can vote, and being disqualified doesn't count for that, of course. :p

    I had expected as much. :D I'll reveal it when wrapping up this round, as I think it's neat. :D

    Some people did, though!
    It was based on S2:G2, in which I made great use of the colours. ^.^
    Sprhyngtime likes this.
  18. As far as I'm concerned, that game never happened.
    Sprhyngtime and 607 like this.
  19. I might make a detailed history thread about The First Loser one day... ;)
    Future hosts should not forget that that game happened, lest they decide to introduce similar elements. :rolleyes:
    Unoski likes this.