Sayings your mother/people said/say

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Silken_thread, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Ok, so I am one of the older ones on the server and I was thinking recently some of things my mother would say to us as children, you know those endearing loving things such as:

    "if you don't behave I am going to plaster you to the wall",
    "if you keep that up I will paste you to the wall"

    Come to think of it walls tend to be apart of most them

    "if you fall off that wall and break your legs, don't come running to me"
    "it's like talking to a brick wall"

    Wood also made an apearence on ocation...

    "you're as tick as two short planks"

    The only other ellemt of wood that I can remember are those that hit me, literally...

    I am very fortuate to have such a great mother, she though me how to speak and then to shut up

    She thought me how to walk about and then sit still or else

    Although I never rally go to find out what the "or else" bit was, as ever time I asked she hit me,

    Ah yes children today miss out some much, they don't know they're borne

    So what sayings did your mother teach you?
  2. Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about.

    Children should be seen and not heard.

    Your running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

    I'll wash your mouth out with soap!

    Come home when the street light come on.

    Don't make me pull this car over...

  3. "What do you say?" (Please... And thank you)

    "1.. 2... Don't make me get to 3!" (The countdown of doom)

    "Stupid isn't a nice word" (To which 3yr old me responded "But that's what papa says when the idiots get in his way! After staying with my grandparents)

    "I'm gonna throw all your toys away if you don't pick them up!" (Can confirm: that threat was real)
    -More to be edited in as I remember them-
  4. Get your tears out now or they'll come out when you don't want them to. (this is the best advice to give anyone that's crying)
  5. "Eat your dinner or go to bed hungry"
  6. "Who do you think you are talking to" ... ehh

    "What time of day do you call this"... ehhh
  7. Hahaha :D
    I think my mother got a small trauma out off her mother actually throwing away their Donald Duck magazines. :)

    Hm, I'll see if I can think of any, but it's hard as most might not translate well to English!
  8. “Don’t answer me back, soft lad, or I’ll throw you out the window.” - my dad whenever I argued with him.

    I guess it worked, because for the last two years of his life (2018 + 2019) I didn’t argue with him at all. I went from ‘soft lad’ to ‘chuckie egg’ - didn’t understand what that even meant and I pretended to HAAATE it. One his last texts to me was that and I’m pretty sure the last thing he ever said to me in real life was that.

    My mum doesn’t have anything distinctive like that that I can remember, besides that she called me ‘moo’ as a kid, so she’d tell me to ‘go to bed, moo’... which is something that my dad also called me right up until he died because my mum isn’t as fun smh
  9. From "moo", ‘soft lad’ to ‘chuckie egg’ sounds like you got some great memories of your dad :+1: :+1:
    BreezyMan likes this.
  10. "You're going to school" - Mom
    BreezyMan likes this.
  11. " If you can't sit still, I'm gonna take your chair away and you can stand at your desk." - Teacher
    MoreMoople and BreezyMan like this.
  12. "The worst they can say is 'no.'"
    MoreMoople and BreezyMan like this.
  13. "The teacher threatened me with physical labor today mom, let's sue her." - Tower
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  14. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Always be yourself.

    Love is everywhere so never run out of it.

    Never give up on any opportunity.

    If anyone who has hurt or belittled you don't let them get the upper hand.

    If you have been through a rough relationship focus on yourself and time will be in your favor.

    Enjoy life to the fullest.

    Never feel left out for you are never left out.

    Friends will always be forever.

    Stay true to your opinions.

    Love life as a never ending book.
  15. You Irish?
  16. That's an interesting term, I'd never heard it before. Googling it, I think the Dutch equivalent is 'druif', which means 'grape'. I wonder how common that is, actually, and if it's region-specific, as I rarely hear it nowadays, but this meaning is on the Dutch Wiktionary.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  17. I use it a lot. :D I don't hear other people say it much, though.
    607 likes this.
  18. I forgot to mention: my mother used it too, and I have done so on occasion.
    Annoyingly, it's not too straight-forward to get useful results for "soft lad", as a feature film was released with that as its name. <.<
  19. Yep :)

    More English now, been here over 40 years

    I do have to admit I have been held captive by the wife, otherwise I would have been in OZ or NZ
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  20. ‘Soft lad’ is Scouse for ‘stupid boy’, or used to refer to a boy/man who’s an idiot/done something stupid.

    ‘Lad’ is universal across Northern England for both ‘boy’ and ‘man’ (ive actually never heard a Northerner use either of those words, only ‘lad’ - same for girls and women, it’s ‘lass’) I presume ‘soft lad’ comes from the phrase ‘soft in the head’ (a term first recorded in 1775 that indicates stupidity), and obviously... Lad smh
    607, KatydidBuild and MoreMoople like this.