The problems of Krysyy, Aikar and how EMC is run.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _REMOVED_87055, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. At this point in the thread, I think it has fulfilled its purpose and should now be closed. Questions have been asked and since have been answered, ultimately by Aikar, which should have ended there. There is no need (on everyones behalf) to arise personal issues into this matter. We all have lives outside EMC, and should not mistake EMC for our lives as whole. As a community, for years, we have appreciated the space and each other and we will continue to do so, no matter the outcome. Whether if we get an update, or not, people come back. There are many other ways to inspire change and from reading everyones comments, its a bunch of back and forth babble, to which, Aikar has presented his part and it should have been left at that.

    Kryssy is human. She has feelings and she has a life. WE ALL DO. It is inhumane to accuse life issues as inexcusable. It is a game, and you still have friendships and a community here on EMC regardless of the outcome of the server.
  2. Oh boy, here we go.

    I've been reluctant, to say the least, to make a post on this thread so far. Watching from the sidelines and seeing this once great community tear itself apart hasn't been a pleasant experience. And while I get that people may have their point of views, I ask that you hold off your bashful comments, and maybe think through the whole situation before posting.

    To my understanding, the problem right now is the fact that some of the things staff has done haven't gone well with the community, whether it be good or bad. People are leaving because we haven't updated for a long time, and others are leaving because of things done to them. I myself haven't been as active, and instead have turned to other servers in hopes that I could come back to EMC when it had gone through all its changes and problems. I see now that the day that happens is farther off than I originally thought, and I think that others have seen that to.

    I joined the server in 2015 and have seen some issues similar to this arise and fall, but this is the first one that has come up, and people don't want to put it down. I think its because people are tired of waiting, and want immediate results. They are tired of getting the same old "We're working on it" comment, and are now pointing fingers to who they think is responsible. And to those who do things like that, take my advice. Let it go. If you don't agree with the way Krysyy and Akiar are doing things, that's quite alright. But you don't have to go around, publicly shaming them for what they did. We're all human here, and the ugly truth is, we're not perfect. We all make mistakes, and the best thing to do is to learn from them, not cling on to them and get others to make you feel better. What made EMC so appealing to me in the first place was its great community, and now it's falling go the ground before my very eyes, because of something someone did a few days ago.

    What are my opinions of the situation? I agree that yes, it has been a while since we have had a major update, I understand that the Devs are trying their best to get all of EMCs custom code to work with the 1.14 update. I also understand that it's not Krysyys job to do everything, like update the calendar and host events. She is the community MANAGER, and as such, is supposed to direct the other staff to get these tasks one (at least, that's the way I view it). If you don't like how slow things move, go join staff! Your not restricted to applying only when the forum post is up, you can apply any time you want. If you want to see change, don't stand by and shout at the higher ups, get into a position where you have a say in what goes on.

    I'm going to stop there for hopefully the only time, but I wanted to slide this quote in, which can serve as a reminder to us all:
    "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change"
    -Michael Jackson
  3. i'm not gonna dive to deep into this thread, but I just want to say a couple things on my mind

    - first off yea our player base is dying, its bound to happen for everything at some point regardless of what version we are on. some people just outgrow minecraft its as simple as that.

    - secondly to criticize krysyy or anyone else and suggest new people for the role or complain about the lack of staff, anything like that is pointless. they volunteer their free time to this server and put a lot of effort in which may sound simple enough to a couple of players like me or you who are just playing the game but maybe its not so easy and if you really feel there is a lack of staff do something about it, apply for staff or heck just help people who need help whenever you see them you don't NEED to be a staff member to make the community feel like a great place and welcoming.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~> little sub bullet to this one that kinda repeats some bits from above, you don't need to be a staff member to make the community change! if you want more events to get the community together or because theres a lack of them, then make one! if you think the community is toxic, Be The Change encourage others, lift each other up, help others, chat with everyone, make people feel included in this community. Don't be negative
    ~~~~~~~~~~~> and the toxic environment isn't the staffs' responsibility alone, if you wanna see that change then you're just as responsible, especially if you contribute to the toxicity.

    - i'm going to end with this, everyone is human we all have the right to opinions, and emotions. everyone makes mistakes but we should be more accepting and not point out all the flaws in them or the system. its easier to point fingers and pin blame thats not gonna do anything.

    (but yea like rob said, certainly not the first time someones made a thread similar to this... somebody's gotta be the scapegoat for the discontent I guess) :rolleyes:
    Velma_T_Jinkies, 607 and Luneyia like this.
  4. Anyone else find it funny how right after Burki calls out Krysyy she immediately brings back the TNT run event? I don't blame her, but seems like a way to tell the community, "HEY! I do events, I haven't been doing nothing all these years!"

    Also notice how of recent her activity on the discord server shot up by 110%?
    I guess now she needs to buy reputation so she doesn't seem like someone who now finally as a community leader is interacting with the community...
  5. this was already planned, if you look back to Saturday on EMC's discord you will see us discussing it
    PetezzaDawg, 607, SpicyIcyBoi and 2 others like this.
  6. A chief complaint was staff inactivity, lack of events, and so on. Krysyy (and the rest of the staff team) heard this criticism and immediately began taking action in response of it (e.g. the TNT Run). Would you rather she just ignored all the constructive critiques made here? You are taking the opportunity to criticize her for listening to you guys.
  7. Did not know this. Thank you.
  8. At this point man what I can tell that you’re only on this thread to a pick fight or stir up more trouble. It’s tiredsome....

    Most people on this thread are talking it out while you come in and try to poke hornets nest then leave...
  9. I'm sorry are we even talking about the same server here? Every single time I get on EMC or even look at the server we only have 10-30 members unless we have a major event we don't usually have even 30
    TheBeansyKiraboo likes this.
  10. My point was more of a, "where was she this entire time?"

    However, I do appreciate that she is taking action in becoming more active in the community.
  11. sometimes its better to learn from the passed, but focus on the future. dwelling on whats done doesnt do much good
    607 and Starsphere like this.

  12. Thanks for proving my point man. Hope rest of your weekend is great...
  13. Hope your weekend is good too b, avoid pebbles at all cost!
    ConductorConduit and Tayolren like this.
  14. but what if done isn't done? man, I wish I had a pan right now.
  15. ...
    I am now considering formally porting New Nations onto some other Forum.
    EMC is going to hell. I am not going to lie. I will jump ship if it benefits me. I do not care about this server as a whole.
  16. Well so much trying for a position
    Starsphere and Otus_NigRum like this.
  17. I guess the people who are bowing down to Krysyy gotta find some other staff's feet to kiss...
  18. That signature