This sounds interesting, like Wheel of Fortune. I'll take a vowel, how about "A"? I so had to say that. lol
Our first three Players entered the game and gave their best guesses. Let's see what they said We got two right guesses, which leaves us with the following: Code: P _ _ _ _ _ R P _ _ _ _ Used letters: A
We have two more possible letters to be revealed. There sure is! Excellent guess. Thank you, that's nice to hear! It's a pleasure being your host for once However my word has not a single E. Let's see what we have so far: Code: P _ _ _ _ _ R P _ I _ _ Used Letters: A, E. What will YOU guess next?
Over night, at least for me , we got two really good guesses! They are even represented in my word! Maybe one can even tell what it is now Code: P O _ _ _ O R P _ I S _ Used Letters: A, E. New day, new luck. You all are awarded new guesses to use!
I'm pretty sure I know the second part of the word... (μορφη) About the first part, though... Polymorphism? Seems like a word that should exist. (and Google's got tens of millions of results for it)
We have our first word guess! This seems like a good start! And you're right. The suffix seems to fit. It exists indeed You might even have used it Polymorphism is an interdisciplinary term used in biology, mathematics and computer science for example. In computer science a function can be polymorph and can be applies to arguments of many different types. We distinguish between parametric and ad-hoc polymorphism. Code: P O L Y M O R P H I S M This is my word. I hope you all enjoyed this round of Guess the Word! All prizes will be are send out shortly.
Very cool. I'll admit, I thought it might have been 'postmorphism' at first (wasn't even a possibility, on second consideration), so I googled if that was a word, and Google said "Did you mean polymorphism?".
Come one, Come all! Hello everyone, my name is willies952002 and I will be your host this evening For this round, the word is... Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _