[FORUM GAME] Guess the Word

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Mar 19, 2017.


Do you mind the term and theme 'Hangman'?

Yes. 23 vote(s) 22.1%
No. 81 vote(s) 77.9%
  1. Is there an s?
    luckycordel and willies952002 like this.
  2. the next most likely letter is:


    which is my guess.
  3. Was already guessed
    _ R _ _ _ I E R
    Incorrect Letters: A S Y
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  4. Is it FRONTIER?:D
    607, jaqque and willies952002 like this.
  5. We have a winner \o/
    607, jaqque and luckycordel like this.
  6. That's a nice word, although it's use on EMC might have made it a bit easier to guess. :p
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. You exactly right, it did!:D
    607 likes this.
  8. Code:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    luckycordel likes this.
  9. Is there an "E"
  10. There is not, thanks for guessing. :)
    luckycordel likes this.
  11. Is there an A ?
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  12. I would like to buy a vowel: I
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  13. Is there an S?
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  14. That's a lot of guesses at once. :p

    _ A _ I A _ _
    luckycordel likes this.
  15. I would like to solve the puzzle:

    607, AncientTower and luckycordel like this.
  16. I'll try VARIANT
    607, jaqque and AncientTower like this.
  17. I'll try RADIANT
    luckycordel, 607 and jaqque like this.
  18. I'll guess laniary
    luckycordel, 607 and jaqque like this.