Gaming_Comander's Comics

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gaming_Comander, Dec 3, 2018.


Should I make more and take reccomendations?

Yes 34 vote(s) 72.3%
No 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Maybe 4 vote(s) 8.5%
Who are you again? 3 vote(s) 6.4%
ROFL for the Waffle 6 vote(s) 12.8%
  1. Commandette XD
  2. I think he looks nice in a dress, especially the one he was given. :)

    As always, Moople and CarFryer are not too happy. lol
    MoreMoople, 607, Foxy_Kitty and 2 others like this.
  3. Especially since Comander is going to get that sick promo!!
  4. Is it wrong that I say that I think the promo will also be wearing a dress?
    Gaming_Comander and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  5. Perhaps it's a God Sword with a dress attached XD
    Joy_the_Miner and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  6. Alright! We hit another milestone! We've reached 20 pages and almost 75 comics, which I can say confidently has made me over 200 likes! I owe it all to you guys! Let's make a road to 100 comics
  7. Awesome, well done!

    I would love to help you get there, but I do not have any interesting ideas that would make for a good comic.
    607, Foxy_Kitty and Gaming_Comander like this.
  8. Looks like Comanders going to go home happy! Here is a nonsensical comic for you sensical people
  9. Consider yourselves 'Lucky' with my next comic...
    Your_Face__ likes this.
  10. Will I get lucky with the next comic? ;-;
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  11. That feel when Comander was supposed to upload butt tons of comic but irl has prevented him from doing so....How...'unlucky'
  12. I need my daily dose of comics and the old ones are scaring me...
    Come back GC! T^T
  13. I'm here! The old ones aren't scary, just odd XD. I'll be back today with a little something for Moops
    607 and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  14. When will I get my comic ;-;
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  15. You are 2nd in line RN, they are already made, just in to be released
  16. yaaas!
  17. I'm sure Gaming has been bombarded with comic requests :p
    I even asked for a few myself, but I totally respect that they could be terrible ideas >.<
    607 and Gaming_Comander like this.
  18. Hey Comander, what's the request link again?
    607 and Gaming_Comander like this.
  19. It's on the first page, on the first post