No, Jerusalem is under OEO control and HMKX explictly stated to stop annexing Palestine, implying that Israel stopped at the moment they were pressured to. They have a direct route to Jerusalem. Palestine consists of West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The HMKX Empire Navy has expanded to around 450 ships, most Cruisers, Submarines and Destroyers, and some Corvettes. HMKX views Frigates as unneeded in Piracy Defense and Naval Warfare as the Primary Class of HMKX Destroyer is light and can do a work of a Destroyer in large numbers and a Frigate in small numbers. Unfortunately, the Nanking-Class Destroyer is suited for neither. As such, HMKX fields them in teams in order to increase their firepower. They are quite reliable but mediocre. Fortunately, they can be cranked out in massive numbers. The Zhukov-Class Cruiser is comparable to the Ticonderoga. The Kirov-Class Superheavy Cruiser is designed to be a centerpiece of an Antiship Task Force. Their firepower is very impressive, being able to take on 2 Tinconderoga-Class Cruisers at once and come out on top, and reasonably compete with 3. With a task force, they are veritably unstoppable by anything short of an Aircraft Carrier. The HMKXAF is around 8,000 jets, but could easily remobilize to around 18,000 in 3 month's time. The HMKXA has downsized to around 5 million personnel, but has almost 31 million in reserve. It, however will take a year to get those guys to properly mobilize. HMKX in the Nuclear department precision-attacks targets. They could utilize Nuclear Weapons on the Battlefield, they choose not to but they could. Unlike UNAFR which uses multiple warheads, HMKX's Doomsayer is ridiculously accurate, trading range for accuracy. They make room for minute targeting adjustment gear and computers via way of having only 1 Warhead. The Empire is spying for FRNS's Nimitz-Class Scale Supercarrier Blueprints. (Alt, I'm basically telling you to GET MAKING, or I'll do it for you.) The E-4V2 is online and ready. HMKX has secretly informed UFOS of the E-4V2 and given them some of the most important tech used. It will be publicly revealed just about when the E-5 is halfway ready to deployment.
The UNAFR has intelligence on the E-4V2 and some rumours on the E-5. No other information is known, all that is known is that the HMKX is building big... UNAFR Nuclear Arsenal: 7,090 warhead inventories. Main ICBM: Minuteman III Nuclear weapons have been used by the UNAFR in war, but only in very small scale, which in turn have severely damaged the Suez Canal, which the current President profusely apologizes for, as the last President's actions were unnecessary. Nuclear weapons are only to prevent wars and to scare other combines. No matter how big your military is, it could reach 200 million men, but a large arsenal of nuclear weapons can always win... The majority of UNAFR Nuclear Missiles use multiple warheads, although there is still a few that carry a single one and focus on range... Pakistan, although left NPAT due to the ignoring of their problems with India, has still allowed military passage through their waters for the UNAFR, and has stayed on the grey line as an ally, as Pakistan has 2 UNAFR military bases within their borders. The UNAFR isn't so keen on stopping a Pakistan-India war, as the UNAFR doesn't really fancy the HMKX, but the reassurance to avoid invading India is because of the large scale of the HMKX, which could flatten Pakistan within days. NPAT still doesn't support Pakistan, nor India. As for Afghanistan, the relationship with NPAT is more for trade purposes, although during this time the UNAFR has a handful of men in the area fighting Jihadist groups. Cameroon also struggles to hold on to Equilateral Guinea, as Cameroon's government cannot handle it. They might let it go soon...
I don't know if we already did this, but... The UNAFR, NPAT and Israel would like to host a meeting in Jerusalem with the HMKX Empire and Palestine to totally abolish tensions and prevent border aggression in the future. The UNAFR and NPAT have agreed to place down the ideology of making Jerusalem the capital of Israel and now agree with Tel-Aviv as the capital. So long as both Israel and Palestine agree to never enact anymore fighting, Israel will no longer try to take back Jerusalem, and Palestine will neither try to reclaim Israel as Palestine. Palestine should also recognize Hamas and work hard on removing them, as Hamas is a terrible representation of Palestine. As OEO has put in place, Jerusalem will be shared by Jews and Muslims and all people as an OEO state. Israel and Palestine will have no border control over Jerusalem, yet citizens will still be given free passage to the Holy City. Palestine and Israel will also agree to end the racism and hate towards each other. I repeat Israel is no longer trying to retake any land for themselves.
Israel and Jordan have already signed Peace Treaties to end the tensions, I don't remember when this was, but it was a few pages back or so. If the HMKX and UNAFR work together, they can both make the Middle East a safe haven and end the wars (like it is today)
HMKX and Palestine both agree to these terms. Hamas is outlawed in Palestine as an illegal militant group. They are unable to gain seats in Parliament, and no party can be influenced by them. Literally none of the Arabs believe Israel, but HMKX is fairly amenable to compromise. Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Iraq all agree to these terms, as HMKX has basically said to them "give them the benefit of the doubt, you can still crush them if they try anything" Iran refuses. As the primary state in which Shia Muslims congregate, and the only state not under the HMKX Bloc of Sunni Muslims, they really don't like Israel.
The Empire has requested an extradition treaty with UFOS. In other news, several Serbian Military officers have been extradited to Croatia and Bosnia. Several Serb Military officers have been assassinated. All are known to have committed War Crimes or accused of committing War Crimes by Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. Some had fled to countries such as New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland and many other EC countries before being shot or extradited. 1 had even gained Spanish Citizenship. The only things that are known is that Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo has made multiple payments to companies tracing back to Swiss banks, and that HMKX agents were involved in at least the forced extraditions, and that the assassinations were probably not due to HMKX. The Swiss Banks are very tight-lipped about what happened. This has caused a diplomatic crisis with Serbia. The Serbs have blasted HMKX for kidnapping Serbian citizens and leading them to their deaths, the Poles are angry because HMKX straight-up assassinated one of their citizens (supposedly). HMKX bluntly refuses to even acknowledge it happened, the Croats and tbe Kosovoans back HMKX.
The European Commonwealth has announced that it will not tolerate infighting amongst its own members, especially not assassinations. It has launched an independent inquiry into the Swiss banks, the governments of the Balkan states, and the military officers. The results will be announced in two pages.
I enlarged it to include Yugoslavia somewhere near the beginning of the game though. I remember because I couldn't get Italy since 607 had it, refused to join the Commonwealth, but I wanted access to the Adriatic Sea for in-game aesthetic/logistical (good trading route) purposes. I really should update my map. Current member states: FRNS (so, you know... the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany) Switzerland Austria Spain Portugal I think I nabbed Italy? Yugoslavia (This would have splintered by now although I should probably have the FRNS steamroll Kosovo first thx) Poland The Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Poland Can't remember if we agreed to have France in the HMKX's sphere but also be in the EC, however I remember some variation of that event I guess Greece I think I just stopped expanding due to inactivity and forgetting to while I was planning to enlarge to Albania, Czechia + Slovakia, Moldova + Romania
I'll make the map for you Also, Italy, Greece and Romania are both the only NPAT members in Europe. Does this change anything to where they cannot be either NPAT or EC, or can they coexist?
See this is the thing that complicates a HMKX-UNAFR/FRNS war. They can't attack one without attacking the others' buddies. In the first war, HMKX had to stand and take it while Greece lobbed bombs at them because they are an EC member.
What do you mean by a HMKX-UNAFR joint war against FRNS? The UNAFR has always been an ally of FRNS, although since the war in the Mediterranean and FRNS's vocal support of Palestine, relations have dipped a bit... I do understand where you're coming from though, it is complicated.
The EC, as it stands currently, is basically the IRL European Union. Rules have to be followed, it's got a united parliament that votes on these rules, there's a giant single market. Primarily it's a semi-political union with a free trade zone and common economic policy/currency. Where it differs from where the EU stands IRL (give it 10 years and they'll be just behind lmao) is that it has a military alliance aspect similar to NATO - if an EC member is attacked on its own soil, all the other EC member states are obligated to rush to its aid and the EC can remove their control of their military and unite it as part of one big European Army. France has, or used to have at least, a strong alignment to the HMKX, so I don't see why NPAT shouldn't be allowed either, although you can decide that with the info I've given. yeah IRL this is the exact thing that caused world war I and all that unnecessary destruction and death
HMKX-FRNS/UNAFR means HMKX vs UNAFR or FRNS. Alt, I'll submit a few 90-100k displacement Supercarrier designs since you seem to be unable to do it yourself, both last and this time.
Hmmm UFOS will agree to this on one condition that ANY and ALL extraditions go through the president first
Omni Laham is back, this time with an utter vengeance. They no longer claim to their Omni Laham roots, but instead Boko Haram, relatively the same Extreme-Sunni Islam terrorist militant group as before, yet under a new name and new leaders. The HMKX and TUN both swiftly dealt with Omni Laham back in the 70s, when the group was terrorizing Chad, Nigeria, and Cameroon. Now they lay in the way countless of innocent killings and violent conversions. Nothing is new here, except the uproar of Extreme Islam. The UNAFR President spoke harshly against the Sunni Islamic faith, claiming that Islam isn't a peaceful religion as they say, but a deadly one, full of hate and despair, especially for ones who don't convert to their faith. Many people criticized the President, although in his following statement he said he had no hate towards any Muslim people, but more hate to the religion itself and Extremists. Many people in the country agree with him and call for an end to the uprising of the Extreme Islamic State. Nigeria is currently heavily upgrading their military, now instead of 200,000 personnel, they hold a 500,000 military, equipped with AK-47s, (Legally and rightfully bought by the HMKX, no fraud or shady business dealings) UNAFR grade military gear and kevlar, 100 M60 Patton variants, 20 F-15 Eagle Fighter Jets, 5 F-15E Strike Eagle, 8 F-16s. Along with a surplus of UNAFR grade armoured fighting vehicles, artillery and rocket projectors, all a serious and much-needed upgrade to the current ones in Nigeria's arsenal. Nigeria has also been mass producing more artillery, figuring that during a war with another African nation, constant bombing is key. Their fight with Boko Haram is tougher, as Boko Haram uses inhumane tactics, while Nigeria tends to focus on the UNAFR's strategy, use strategy and planning, strike hard, bomb the hell out of them, cause less damage to civilians. Boko Haram uses child soldiers and women and young children as meatshields. Nigeria can't start blowing all these people up, they would stoop down to The Empire's level if they did so... As for Cameroon, they keep Equilateral Guinea as a puppet state and have drastically upscaled their military, to now 80,000 personnel, with much more efficient, yet affordable military equipment and vehicles. NPAT mainly funds them. Nigeria has also been upgrading their navy, with 4 brand new cruisers being built, along with 6 corvettes, a massive upgrade for them naval wise. Chad remains a Nigerian annexed piece of land, although Boko Haram's presence makes occupation difficult. The UNAFR currently has 13,000 troops in Nigeria and Chad fighting Boko Haram, as for Afghanistan, the UNAFR has 50,000 troops fighting the Taliban.