A few have been shot down by Israeli defenses or died defending Palestine. Doesn't reach 100 yet. Also, this is making HMKX seriously doubt UFOS loyalty in them. It's been a year. Palestine has nearly fallen, but HMKX is about to get involved with the full might of its land forces.
UFOS will always be loyal to our allies and to show that ALL of our super carriers have been mobilized again and will arrive to link up with HMKX's in 1 post
Worry not, HMKX will not put UFOS boots on the ground and does not want them on the ground. The Imperial Army has invaded Palestine through Lebanon. Overwhelming manpower and lots of artillery is key, and HMKX requests UFOS recall one of the Aircraft carriers and send its battleship, protected by its other carrier to bomb Israeli-TUN defenses. The HMKX battle groups sink any TUN ship that comes near, and HMKX Navy Forces are dashing into the Suez Canal to begin a fight to take the Mediterranean. The Turks are attacking the Greeks. As one could guess, it is harsh, but the Turks are well-supported with HMKX support and Black Sea forces constantly bombarding Greek military targets. With logistical support from its African allies (though not military support) HMKX begins a naval fight to defeat, not annex Greece with Turkish backing.
The FRNS has stationed one of its four nuclear submarines in Gibraltar, as well as a small but strong naval fleet. If any attempt is made by the HMKX or Turkey to invade Greece, a member of the European Commonwealth, Istanbul will be doused in nuclear flame and blockaded, cutting off food supplies to Russia. The FRNS also vows that it will invoke the article in the EC treaty that will call a united army of FRNS, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, Belgian, Luxembourgish, Swiss, Polish, Yugoslavian, and Austrian troops to war with the HMKX. If the TUN and Israel continue to aggressively expand, especially into Arab territory, the FRNS says it will intervene and orders an immediate returning of Israel's occupied land. If they do not comply, Gibraltar and the Suez Canal will be blockaded by a united European Commonwealth naval force, locking all parties outside of the Mediterranean. If they continue to not comply, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv will be reduced to rubble with nuclear bombs.
Russia no longer requires Turkey (OOC: this is a bluff; the massive Siberian development project while quite useful is not quite enough), and HMKX is prepared to smash the potential RNS blockade on the Suez Canal, as HMKX has a massive Air Force and ability to bomb the ships to oblivion along with more Supercarriers than even FRNS. Egypt will back HMKX, as they are a ally. Greece is an agressor upon HMKX and Turkey, and HMKX will no longer back Turkey, and Turkey has been advised to simply negotiate a favorable treaty with Greece, knocking it out of the fight as Greece was already losing. HMKX has shipped ABM systems to Turkey, more than enough to destroy a measly 16 Missiles.
Israeli Anti-Aircraft Defenses shoot Empire aircraft out of the sky like flies, yet the damage is overwhelming at Israel borders. TUN has gained full control over the West Bank. Saudi/Jordan/Palestinian forces were tough to break through, but Israel/UN manpower broke through them. Currently, UN troops hold onto the West Bank tightly, but resistance still exists. Israel fires multiple rockets and bombards the Gaza Strip, while TUN stands firm at Northern Israel to defend against an Empire attack. The Royal Navy has arrived at the Meditteranean, this time in full force to repel UFOS and HMKX naval ships. The Iowa-Class steadily trugs its way through the sea to fight UFOS battleships. With a fleet of submarines and top of the class ships, TUN can hold the HMKX/UFOS Navy still for a while, although it is a matter of time before both opposing forces gain superiority. MAYBE IF A CERTAIN EUROPEAN NATION WITH A STRONG NAVY COULD HELP US... HMMM, I WONDER WHO? Coastal defences bombard HMKX Battleships while planes take the skies and unload massive amounts of bombs on the ships. A good chunk of West Jordan is now under full UN control, but Saudi forces are a mighty force to be reckoned with. All NPAT Members in war: Italy Greece Romania Alergia Israel TUN Every other NPAT member is heavily supplying the fight logistically. Romania contributes to the fighting against the Turks with Greece along with Italy.
HMKX has no battleships. The Empire's counterattack is here. All 1,200,000 of them. Rockets pound TUN and Israeli and force a complete retreat due to HMKX's blunt disregard for casualties. Fighting hard does not matter when your enemy advances faster than you can kill, and that's after weeks of bombardment according to HMXK doctrine. TUN forces are swept out of Palestine, but curiously HMKX do not attack forces in Jordan. HMKX's Supercarriers are done modernizing; HMKX sends 2 more, every single carrier has a light escort that successfully repels TUN attack (mostly), TUN could sink them with a coordinated, heavy attack but they would need to isolate 1, and HMKX plans to have 2 move at once at all times. Cruisers are starting to stream into the Mediterranean sea thru Suez Canal. HMXX ships.
After the war is over, all Israel/TUN occupied land in the Middle East will be retracted, and Israel will go back to their original state. As of now, Israel occupies the West Bank and West Jordan. Citizens in TUN still mourn the loss of the President and set up a parade of memorial for him. The Vice President, now in full power, makes dull and racist remarks against the Palestinian and HMKX race. The racist jokes were seen as obscure and childish and not at all like what a leader should be saying. He has recently apologized, but the media will never let go of anything it seems... Anyway, thousands more tanks and aircraft are being produced rapidly, and new batches of M1 Abrams, A10s, F-16s and Gunships will be produced, as well as new ships. At least there are more jobs!! ...heh...
Can you be a little more specific WHERE, we are being swept out of? And is Palestine in the current state wished by the United Nations Partion Plan, or is it only the West Bank and the Gaza?
North Part of Israel and Northern Palestine, Palestine is West Bank and Gaza. They are attacking from Lebanon. HMKX war industry is starting to rear its head, factories that used to make products are now commandeered into war production. Saudi Arabia and Iraq are formidable fighters, and invading them would be a bad idea. UFOS has 1 SuperCarrier and 1 Battleship in the fray. HMKX has 5 Supercarriers in the fray. TUN has 3 Supercarriers and _ Battleships in the fray.
TUN airforce bombs the Suez canal and blocks The Empire's navy from advancing through. UN naval units stand strong at the canal and block out the Mediterranean although are met with heavy fire from UFOS/Empire ships. TUN, now pushed out of Northern Palestine commits to the dirty tactics with Israel and begins nonstop bombing and artillery fire on the advancing troops. They stand halted. For now. Algeria sends ships into the Mediterranean to overwhelm the Empire's supercarriers. It's working.
Libya barely saves the day, with a strike on TUN Naval forces that distracts them. HMKX Battle groups are in tatters, and what barely remains is now slowly being rebuilt via a trickle of ships making it through Suez. But they are still vulnerable, and have retreated into the Black Sea to repair their battle groups. 3 have already made it past, 1 is almost there and under Turkish Air cover and 1 is 3/4 there. TUN has time and forces to intercept 1. The last one is Calamity-II, and the one under Turkish air cover is an Yi Sun-Shin. Risky, but a bigger prize or safer, but smaller. Of course, TUN might fail and regardless of which they might sink the casualties will be immense. The TUN Navy is losing its superiority, bit by bit. They have overwhelmed many of the Battle groups, but at immense cost. HMKX offers a peace treaty that would go back to the pre-war conditions.
The M1 Abrams moves into Empire controlled Palestine territory to cause havoc. Empire forces are pushed away from the border, but large amounts of artillery fire and bombings from the skies keep the tank platoons at standby. The A-10 Thunderbolt II and AC-130 gunship tear up Jordan forces and thus the majority of Jordan is now under full Israel control. OOC: Is Greece defeated?
TUN has caught up with the Yi Sun-Shin and have dared to put all that they have near to destroy that supercarrier. It was a success. The great Yi Sun-Shin HMKX supercarrier is destroyed. But at what cost? Tremendous costs, it left a large undefended spot in the Aegean Sea, open for The Empire to sneak past if they are fast enough and an empty space in the skies. The aircraft and ships went after the Yi Sun-Shin and successfully sunk it, yet suffered immense casualties by Turkish forces and left an undefended spot open spot in the Aegean Sea, a spot for Turkish fighters to ease their way into and use as an advantage over Greece. Romania mobilizes their navy in the Black Sea to combat The Empire's battlegroups.
HMKX is pissed off. Their greatest symbol, a enduring symbol of unstoppable HMKX Might? Sunk? This will not go unpunished. The HMKX Supercarrier Ashoka was sunk by TUN destroyers and a large TUN force of Aircraft. Now, where do aircraft come from in the sea? Aircraft Carriers. More specifically, TUNS Nimitz. The only Supercarrier with a large enough capacity of planes to nearly match and, with a large force of destroyers overwhelm an Yi Sun-Shin-Class Supercarrier. Also the only ship to be a rough equivalent to the HMKXS Ashoka. HMKX now utilizes the empty patch in the sea, blocking Turkey which disallows its use for Turkey to completely defeat Greece. Turkey's victory over Greece will now be substantially delayed. Yi Sun-Shin and Chandragupta go on a quest for revenge, where HMKX cobbles together all its Carrier escorts and comes to: 3 Antisubmarine Cruisers, 8 Submarines, 7 Antiship Cruisers, 5 supply ships, 2 general-purpose cruisers, and 1 shore-assault cruiser. HMKX masses these ships into a large fleet while HMKX cruisers finally break through the Suez Canal. Large numbers of HMKX ships steam into the seas, some fresh out of (rushed) sea trials, to rebuild the Carrier Escorts. Meanwhile, the Carriers and the fleet do not go for Nimitz, oddly enough. No. They encircle a group of destroyers and Submarines and attack them. HMKX sinks 3 destroyers and seizes 1, as well as 2 Submarines, while 1 Submarine simply vanishes. HMKX loses 1 Antisubmarine Cruiser and a Submarine is heavily damaged enough to retreat. TUN scuttles most of them, but 1 destroyer is seized and taken to the Black Sea for propaganda purposes. But they're not done yet. Nimitz is next, and 2 Supercarriers as well as a fleet hell-bent on its destruction is on the way. This is the pinnacle of the Naval battles. But the Generals advises restraint. After all, there could be a trap, and the fleet is left deciding.
The USS Nimitz is on High Alert and has fled the area along with a well-defended escort. Through the SR-71 keeping an eye in the sky, TUN has the exact reason to be scared and knows the plans The Empire holds. Unknown to The Empire, the Nimitz is fleeing into an ambush which if The Empire falls for, would be the end for their revenge-fest. This naval killing spree can be seen indeed as scary, although if TUN can use The Empire's rage to their advantage and trick them, then Nimitz can return safely home.
The fleet proper breaks off. The Supercarriers are forced to retreat, with their escorts gone they could be destroyed. So, then, what now? HMKX is making 2 more Supercarriers, true to their philosophy, while the Navy still has the funding. 3 years to completion. HMKX launches an all-out Naval offensive, using the ships that now steam into the Mediterranean. (OOC: Otus, I imagined the last stand of the Nimitz as some grand battle, but this is way better, HMKX and TUN will both lose many vessels here. Stay tuned.) Battles of the Eastern Mediterranean: Action ReportBattle of the Suez Canal:A sizable force of HMKX Antiship Cruisers began to attack the Suez Canal in force. While previous assaults had proven ineffective at dislodging the TUN forces, Egypt finally pulled its weight and pulled a surprise artillery attack, thereby severely distracting TUN forces that were stationed there and allowing for HMKX forces to stage a break-in. After this, TUN defenses near the Canal fell apart, setting the stage for the naval battle not seen since WW2.Battle of Crete:HMKX Supercarriers Chandragupta and Yi Sun-Shin as well as a force of 3 Antisubmarine Cruisers, 8 Submarines, 7 Antiship Cruisers, 2 General-Purpose Cruisers, 5 Supply ships and 1 Shore-Assault Cruiser. This Combined force encircled a force of TUN destroyers and Submarines, sinking 3 Destroyers, seizing 1 Destroyer, Sinking 2 Submarines, and 1 TUN submarine vanishes, likely sunk. HMKX casualties include 1 Antisubmarine Cruiser sunk and 1 Submarine heavily damaged, returning to the friendly port at Istanbul, barely.Operation Downfall:HMKX Supercarriers Chandragupta, Yi Sun-Shin, and Zheng He mobilized with extended complement force (1 Antisubmarine Cruiser swapped out for 2 Submarines) into the Battle Zone. Aware that a dangerous amount of HMKX Cruiser force was concentrated in the Mediterranean sea, HMKX central command attacked with a total offensive into TUN control in the region. This Cruiser-Submarine Force was augmented by 7 Destroyers. The Force advanced into TUN sea holdings and directly into the massive hole created via the Battle of Crete, whereupon they began a campaign of extermination of the ships there. TUN attempted to resist but was initially shocked at such a bold move, and with relatively little Air Support due to the fact they were either concentrated in Israel or Greece. After several battles, HMKX Forces had lost 1 Antiship Cruiser, 2 Antisubmarine Cruisers, and 3 Submarines and 1 Submarine had been forced to retreat, but had nearly obliterated TUN forces in the Eastern Mediterranean, with 14 Destroyers either sunk or forced into retreat, dealing a devastating blow to TUN operations. However, the second part of the Operation was considerably more bloody. After the action that destroyed TUN capability to fight without endangering itself to HMKX attack upon the mainland, HMKX forces wheeled around to attack another Supercarrier, not in tactical though, but in retribution. The Supercarrier Force converged unto 1 TUN Supercarrier, TUNS Enterprise. HMKX Forces converged, meeting extremely harsh resistance. It was during this battle that HMKX lost 4 Antiship Cruisers, 1 General-Purpose Cruiser and 4 more Submarines, as well as all of its destroyers in an attempt to destroy the TUNS Enterprise. Enterprise's Submarine escorts fell quickly under a withering hail of fire from Cruisers, but the Antisubmarine Cruisers were soon forced into retreat because they were useless. The Destroyers fought most effectively, but were all destroyed. The Carrier's Air Wing also took great losses (nearly a 1/4 of the entire air wings combined), and it can be said TUNS Enterprise and her escorts put up a most gallant stand against HMKX attack. Even after HMKX attack and retreat after a substantial TUN submarine force's arrival because of a distress call issued by the ship herself, she was able to sail halfway to a friendly port with the steering and power generation control malfunctioning before finally sinking due to catastrophic flooding allowing for most of her crew's rescue. 2 of her Destroyer complement escaped unharmed. This battle has broken the back of TUN's supremacy in the region with high Destroyer casualties, but also broken the HMKX Cruiser force as well, limiting our offensive capability in the region by magnitudes. It now depends on the Air Force and remaining Supercarriers to win. Overall, this Operation can be viewed as a tactical draw and a strategic HMKX victory, but some HMKX citizens and generals call for more. Enterprise was no match for even a single Yi Sun-Shin unit. They want to go for the Nimitz, but intelligence has revealed TUN would defend their best carrier and has laid an ambush. The next optimal course of action would be to attack and sink [CLASSIFIED: LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE ACCEPTED] TUNS Saratoga, crippling their Air Power for a short time and allowing HMKX to gain dominance over the Air.[LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE INFORMATION ENDS HERE]
(OOC: I have to go to sleep, but i'll continue straight away tomorrow morning, just so you don't have to wait forever for me to reply, and yes, i'm excited for this, finally we can have war! This is fun!)