I didn't even know about the Montana class before you mentioned it. So no, I was planning on making my own up, as you do with the Feather class and such. It will be similar to Montana I guess, but it won't be Montana.
Warlord, here are the things I need from you... The list of nations which joined ARL recently. I need to update the map. I also need you to go to the front page, add the map of Africa on your maps post and also update the world and alliances map. Do you have time to do this?
The J-G-1 nuclear bomb (nicknamed "Pegasus") detonated at 5am EST a January morning. The test was an atmospheric test and the bomb itself was a 25kt gravity bomb. Results were successful, and 0 people died. Nukemap: http://bit.ly/javornukemap
The English and Welsh state governments have voted to close down their coal mines. British Coal, the state-run company in charge of these mines, has been reporting larger and larger losses since the 1950s, while Deutsche Kohle (basically just British Coal but for Germany) continues to boom and grow and continually supplies the rest of the FRNS with their coal. The British coal mining industry is now downscaling and will be completely dismantled by 1982. The move has been met with large protests and strikes - however, the North Sea Lower House, Upper House, and Council have all given their go ahead to the the English and Welsh decisions, since they abide by the decision taken in the 1952 agreement (page 15) to shut all their coal mines by 1980.
Also, here's an updated map of the European Commonwealth. I've neglected this for so long it was really annoying trying to get the full list. Benefits of the European Commonwealth: A free trade area encompassing all the member states, with a special arrangement with Turkey. A proportionally represented European Parliament that takes the European people into the Commonwealth. Close military co-operation, essentially being an alliance that can be consolidated into one army with one unified command in the event of an attack on an individual member. Has yet to actually be tested out, although there are currently discussions to make this a permanent thing. Membership costs go directly back into the areas of Europe that are most in need of development. This has led to economic booms in Estonia, Poland, etc. The enforcement of democratic ideals. For example, the European Commonwealth's government was instrumental in phasing out the communist governments of Yugoslavia and Estonia, and the fascist government of Spain.
UFOS Has Decided that since it has the Worst Economy ever it is going to re-vamp it's economy starting with 5 new steel factories and we have also started making plans for a supercarrier to be designed it will be better than the Battleship we just got but it will be a flagship in our navy!We also need to make 3 new energy plants to fuel our steel factories bad news it will raise our pollution by 10%.Good news it will give out 20 million new jobs to people who need them our supercarrier(once finished will have the capability to fire long range ballistic missiles and will have 55 of the Lockheed Martin A-4 as it's aircraft we also have started researching a NEW Nuclear type of weaponry it should be finished and tested by post 1500
SWITZERLAND JOINED?!? --- Javor has worked out a deal with Deseret (formerly Utah). They will have access to any nuclear weapons we make, and in exchange we can test nukes there, and they don't join the ARL.
The ARL has grown into its own entity, seperate from HMKX. Opinion of Combines: HMKX: Manageable to Mild liking. They might have helped, but they are foreigners. TUN: Likes. They are the closest thing to USA that the post-Combines world has, and ARL has a certain Kinship to them. Javor: Suspicious. They are a black hole where states go and never come back. FRNS: Hostility, Dislike. They tried to actively destroy the league. UFOS: Manageable.
UFOS Would like to announce that Cuba has formally joined the SAAO even though they are not in South America they were allowed to join
After the break-up of Swissilia, the UKNS invaded to 'restore order'. Rather than annex them as a state, the UKNS handed over the responsibilities of restoring order and stability to the European Commonwealth.
It is of note France is also a GAD member. Spain too. In the event of HMKX-UKNS war, they will have to choose. Good thing for HMKX, they are both major trade allies. Spain's facists were removed by HMKX-Turkey-French agents, not the European commonwealth. Turkey will never become a EC member, HMKX would go ballistic, invade Turkey and forcibly remove them if it happened which is why Turkey will never join. So if EC was hoping that... tough luck. seriously dont try it
HMKX is offering UFOS GAD membership, an alliance, and a trade deal. HMKX will also give weapons discounts to UFOS. HMKX wants to cooperate with UFOS on future endeavors, and the first of many gifts shall be HMKX help in building the Supercarrier. HMKX is willing to offer high-quality HMKX Steel and Aluminum to help build it, as well as HMKX computer tech. Essentially, HMKX would assist UFOS in many ways, and it would be mutually beneficial. Note this is top secret for now.
It is time to end the tensions between the American Restoration League, The United North and Javor. The United North President made a speech on the ordeal: "What is the use of trying to gain power? We all fight for the same cause, a cause to bring back America. We are all brothers and sisters, all Americans. Our ancestors fought in the civil and the war for Independence from Great Britan, showing that Americans can do great things when united. So why are we divided? We all stand under the same freedoms and rights that built this great Nation, and now we neglect each other and act as one another is a foreigner?" "No, my brothers and sisters, we were all ONE during the Great War, a war which we kicked ass at! After the fall of The United States, it hasn't been the same, and it is almost like we are all separate people. We are NOT, we are a huge family who has stuck together throughout the centuries, and we won't let political angst divide us. Set aside the hatchets my friends, be peacekeepers in this world and bury that hatchet." "This now marks the start of a new part of history, a part of history which is going to be great. Let North America be known as a continent of peace, not a continent of hate." "United we Stand, United We Fall." The emotion felt speech was heard all around the globe, and it flooded the North American press. The President of The United North will hold an important meeting with Javor and all ARL states at Washington DC in the Capitol. In the meeting, all disagreements and races for American territory will be put down. No longer will we need to fight our brothers. We are all one. The ARL will become The United States of America in 1 post.
The meeting is done. The American Restoration League has spoken directly with Javor and UN leaders resolving the issues. The hatchet is now buried, and The United States of America is born. The ARL (now the USA) has made a statement. They announce that they pose no threat to Javor or TUN, even if they look far bigger on the map. They actually wish to open up trade and share technologies, after all, we are all the same people, just under different borders. That said, NOTHING about them is hostile, they know that TUN can sweep them, but they also have no intention of ANY war, and in fact focus on peacekeeping in the world. They have NO ties with The Empire, although they thank them for their mild assistance, they are a direct opposite and would much rather become good friends with TUN than the Empire. Of course, the League does have their interesting thoughts of Javor and have their concerns, although they wish to receive an approval from Javor stating an alliance and a friendship. The USA will have nothing to do outside of North America, except for Peace Keeping and share of influence and culture. TUN will be the big dog in any foreign affairs. USA citizens, although not under the same rulers, consider themselves apart of Javor and TUN. (Out of game chat: seriously, the USA is not hiding any secrets to overrun TUN or Javor. They are completely friendly and much less focused on foreign expansion. They are basically an unplayable nation controlled by us, although don't wreck them please, even though many of us can control them. ) Post Map of The United States of America: (warlord, update the map on the front page again) With the birth of The USA, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Rhode Island have joined, each nation was invited to the meeting and agreed to join; they wanted to be apart of a thriving nation. California, Oregon, and Florida have put the invitation on hold and wish to be Independent as an NPAT member. Although they will be happy to be a formidable ally. Well then, looks like this sparks a new age of our world, an age of The USA. (Although much weaker than they would have been than in real life. TUN represents the USA's power in real life more than any other nation)