I know that Japan can do whatever the hell it wants but so can UFOS how does Japan thinks it's going to support Australia if it can barely sustain itself
Japan is an independent, powerful and self-sustaining nation. Lots of farmland, lots of food. HMKX has a robust and healthy trading relationship with Japan, which gives it vast reserves of Iron and other materials. They have a massive capacity to wage war with HMKX giving away equipment at discount prices. Japan took over a massive Empire without a massive industrial capacity, imagine what they could do with a massive industrial giant selling it things at discount prices. Australia sustains itself, they and Japan are both taking oil and HMKX is exporting it food. They're fine. The thing is, Japan is well aware that UFOS might try something, so they're making Japan a better choice than UFOS. HMKX is helping in order to reduce their reliance on UFOS copper, which UFOS is still exporting to HMKX at discount prices. They've been buying Copper bulk for the last few months because they need to take this window of opportunity while UFOS hasn't cut off its copper shipments and Australia isn't cut off from HMKX. They're hoping to keep Australia, as the copper there is a godsend for a nation with hostilities towards the biggest copper exporters in the World.
The UFOS president sends out this message to the President of HMKX Dear Mr.President, In light of recent events the UFOS has decided to cut any and all trade with you as you have done nothing to stop the rogue nation Japan.Instead you have added and abbeted this nation in stealing one of UFOS's Annexes so have fun getting your copper elsewhere. Sincerely, Mr.President
Oh and any copper shipments on their way have been told to turn around and come back EDIT:But to be nice those shipments that we took back the money you gave us was sent back lets just hope it doesn't get "ambushed"along the way.
Australia has the world's second largest copper reserves, and Australia is making a lot of money selling it to HMKX.
The HMKX Empire warns any attempt to target Guinea will result in Nuclear War. The HMKX defensive formation is back up. Any Nuclear weapon will be destroyed, quickly. Lastly, HMKX Empire Nuclear Weapons have been reactivated.
Sorry, never saw this. We will join. --------------------------- The Dept. of Energy, Water and Public Services' Energy Division is hiring a lot of people for solar panel research, building and installation. Gradually, the Government wants to work towards having solar panels on most urban buildings' roofs, except for those intended to look nice, e.g., most City Halls.
Alt is active. Either his alerts don't work and he needs to contact a staff member about it, or he is bored with the game. We'll see.
Yeah so UFOS has started their new housing program and it's already working wonders out of the 35million homeless people 1.5 million already have homes and population happiness is up 20% mostly because people aren't stopped and asked for money every 5 steps now