[Forum Game] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SoulPunisher, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Well, why are you eyeing Australia?
  2. the gold and iron ore can be sold to the surronding countries for the money UFOS needs to start producing better tech

    oh and the results are in the UFOS combined military stands at....2.1 million members

    500,000 of these members are being sent to australia to annex it and it will take 5 posts to get there and just a reminder if anybody is thinking of attacking(i'm not accusing anybody i'm just saying)the UFOS has 1.6 million army members watching the borders and waiting for the order to defend their country
  3. The Empire wants to help UFOS annex Australia.
  4. what would the empire want in return for this help?
  5. Probably the one of most intense invasion in this game so far, considering Australia as whole land mass is very hard to conquer, and the fact that the Aussies are great fighters.
  6. thats why we are sending 500k of our finest warriors and have 400k more on standby incase something goes south
  7. The Empire wants a military and trade alliance in return.
  8. what for hmmm?
  9. And 500k will be bogged down in Australia’s intense nature and fail. The Empire is willing to soften up Australia to make the job easier via bombing.
  10. Ever since TUN sent peacekeeping troops into the body of mangled Europe after WW2, a LOT of progress has been done.

    The funds towards the repairing and rebuilding of Europe has gone a long way, and villages, once war torn and polluted with bad memories, are now rebuilding themselves. New farms, more healthy livestock, newly bricked streets, and brand new buildings. The war torn villages and towns of Europe thank TUN for their generosity.
  11. Copper.
  12. that seems fine with the UFOS we agree to this and in turn will trade you 200 metric tons of copper

    does that sound good?
  13. No, you should simply lift trade barriers on copper.
  14. ok in return for you helping us the UFOS is prepared to release ALL copper barriers to the Empire(Only to the Empire)
  15. The Empire has mobilized its aircraft carriers.
    They will arrive in 4 posts and begin bombing Australian production centers.
    No bombing civilians, no Imperial troops on the ground.
    Is this clear?
  16. the UFOS troops are waiting at the shore for your aircraft carriers to come in
  17. Uhh... the Empire is moving directly to Australia.
  18. And an invasion in a hot country with good fighters will take more than 5 posts.
  19. The UFOS army is awaiting orders to starting marching toward Sydney and they have been given orders to ONLY fire if fired upon
  20. A note to the Warmongers of UFOS and The Empire.

    We do not appreciate the invasion of Australia, at ALL. Although, we will back off and lay in wait. Take Australia for yourselves, but we want you to know, if the UKNS decides to intervene, we will as well. We ask of you to cease from attacking anymore large, 1st world nations at this instance. If you decide to annex and bring war to any other previous Allies and any developed nations, TUN, Trelet, Swisillia, and the UKNS will put a stop to it.

    So here it is again. We will let you have Australia, but DO NOT attack anymore developed nations, or we will not step down.

    UFOS, stop taking over countries for their resources, and be considerate and trade.

    We are not scared.