hmmmm...The UFOS doesn't want to seem weak to it's people so we are now trying to construct a larger navy as to show the people that we are actually doing something and the UFOS does not plan to attack TUN at this point in time as it would be very foolish and we are waiting to hear back from our spies within the Empire they have to travel to a different country to contact us(not going to say which country)this will take them 4 posts
TUN has gained information on this disease and will shutdown any trading regarding food with UFOS and warns Trelet and other nations of this. DO NOT BRING UFOS CROPS INTO YOUR COUNTRIES. Bringing in food with deadly disease into your own country is an immediate death wish. TUN has a pretty complex medical system and feels it would stay protected if the disease were to ever come to North America (Although, it's nearly impossible since UFOS does not export food to TUN). So, TUN sends a team of researchers to South America to research on the disease and see how much of a deadly cause it will be. Researchers and medical teams will arrive in 3 posts.
The Empire stands as a mediator. UFOS. Stop. The Empire has mobilized 3 Feather-Class Aircraft Carrierers. They will arrive in 3 posts. TUN, you are now under the Imperial Nuclear umbrella, this being a temporary measure. The Empire has mobilized its 14-Million strong army to the borders. They are ready to invade. TUN, the Empire proposes a temporary military alliance. The Empire stands with you. UFOS, are you realllyyy willing to take on TUN, HMKX, and UKNS, all at once? The Empire has contained a sample of the plague. They, being ready with the old painful plague a few years back has developed a cure, fast too. The infrastructure is nice. UFOS crops weren't imported anyway, not a problem. The cure is being provided to the UFOS, with heavy discounts.
as i said in my above post the UFOS will not attack TUN at this point in time oh also the UFOS's scientists have discovered the cure to the deadly disease and it happens to be...a secret the UFOS's goverment is not mass producing this cure and giving it out to the public this disease should be completly gone in 5 posts UFOS is keeping a couple of contaminated coconuts in quarintine waiting for the TUN researchers to arrive so they can study it too the one and only reason the UFOS is allowing them across the border is as they are on a humanitarian mission but some of the populace does not agree with this decision so the TUN's researcher if they want can be escorted to and from UFOS's territory with armed guards but they can refuse if they do i cannot gurrantee their safety
TUN stands at arms with The Empire and agrees strongly to this temporary alliance. TUN sends a large naval fleet to the coasts of Central America and the Caribbean. They also send in 2 aircraft carriers and over 160,000 soldiers. We have your back..
oh the only reason the UFOS even thought about trying to fight the TUN over the islands is that they desperatly needed the coconut oil at the time but since my scientists have found the cure all military units are standing down except the border patrol and the guards on prisons
The Empire is concerned. The Empire has figured out about a few spies, and are attempting to covert them via promise of comfortable food and safety for their families. They are farily succesful. Official Imperial letter to the UFOS. The Empire favors you. The Empire would like to see you succeed. However, invading other nations is unacceptable. You are not allowed to invade just to expand your own ambition. The Empire proposes a military alliance, and a liftng of steel tariffs. The Empire makes very good steel, after all. The Empire has oil, and the Empire has many resources. We want to be friends. You are making that difficult. The Empire has many carriers. The Empire, is no doubt a supowerpower. The Empire has allies. The Empire is mighty. Do you want in?
the UFOS has now recieved contact from their spies in the Empire they have not found the plans to the Supercarrier but believe they are close they will contact again in 8 posts also criminal advisory to TUN a Genocidal maniac has escaped a UFOS prison by blowing it up total death toll 1500 he then stole a ship loaded with supplies for a expedition to antarctica and started sailing up the cost he has no idea about all the ships waiting up there and he is being chased by 5 ships from the UFOS i would like to ask that if you catch him before they do that he return to us so he can face our justice and please don't fire upon thos ships unless they fire first they should arrive in like 2 posts
The Empire has backed down. Crisis resolved. The mobilized carriers have refueled and rerouted to Guinea. Time to expel the dictator. The marines replace the army halfway through, and a small portion of the main army now prepare for an invasion. This is going to be easy. The dictator keeps his own citizens in poverty, this will be a stomp. Plans are drawn up to replace the government with a democracy. The Empire does not want colonies. Only allies.
Our ships are currently not stationed near Antartica, but we hope you find him and bring him to justice.
TUN also backs down and returns to previous military bases. Construction on a military base and airport has begun in the Marshall Islands. This will take 5 posts.
From the double agents, the Empire has discovered the attempts to find the supercarrier plans. Information security has been redoubled.
he is headed toward your fleet in central america so i reiterate my points please don't kill him if your fleet catches him first so we can bring him to justice and please don't fire upon UFOS vessels unless they fire first and if they do i give you full permission to destroy them as they have done so without the approval of the goverment and if they survive it is considered an act of treaon and they will be sentenced to death so if they do unleash your full fury please
the UFOS is now recalling all of their spies as they can't afford the Empire finding out the recipe for the cure of the disease the spies shall be interrogated heavily before being sent somewhere to begin a new life Edit:the spies should be at the border in 7 posts and a reminder to the Empire ANY double spies shall be killed immediatly and we will know where they came from
Will you harm their families? The Empire does not let promises down, it is not their way. The Double Agents have been briefed to lie, and that even if they die their families will be safe. If UFOS harms families, the Empire will place a referal to the GAD. The GAD is a pact between many nations and the Empire to defend human rights everywhere. The GAD approved the Guinea Invasion, and forced Trelet to release info. They are powerful.
The UFOS will not harm the spies families as they have done nothing wrong but if they are caught lieing they will be killed as a traitor as we already know what has happened over there and are waiting to hear the spies versions of events Edit:what is GAD?
The Spies have an internally consistent version of events, that's basic. It's watertight, too. The Empire had spies of their own, and used them to figure it out in UFOS headquarters. They conducted their own independent operation to find out, actually to create signs that the Imperial spies did it. The families know nothing, they are not supposed to. The Empire is confident.