us: Knock Knock ohio: Who's there? us: the entire Trelet military ohio: The entire Trelet military who? us: no, just the entire Trelet military ohio: ohh, do you want some cookies? us: no, why would we want cookies when we can have donuts? anyway, we want your land ohio: fite me m8 us: will do 350,000 of our 377,500 personnel storm the northeastern part of Ohio. Because they had no warning of us coming (that wasn't a real conversation), we are met with little resistance until we get to Cleveland. We enter Euclid (where we set up a hospital) and are met with a military barricade a few miles later. Luckily, the military of Ohio is so small compared to ours that we easily got past it. They may not have many people, but they do have the brains to set up military bases in multiple places, unlike NH, who had only one in Concord.
Tensions at the Wisconsin and Michigan border have been boiling ever since. In attempts to match The Empire in size and capacity, TUN makes plans to colonize Wisconsin. The Colonized Countries act will be reenacted, and Wisconsin will be able to keep their independence, although a percentage of exports and the industry will belong to TUN. TUN has brought over 50,000 troops to the border, along with an abundance of the new M48 Patton and M41 Bulldog tanks. Invasion will take 2 posts. On another note, Michigan has become the biggest producer of Trucks! Yay! Useful information!! TUN is also eyeing small pacific islands to colonize. TUN needs to stretch their power. Maybe the Marshall islands?
The occupation of Indonesia is complete, giving the UKNS a new source of oil and natural gas, as well as giving an abundance of tin, copper, gold, rubber, and coffee. Furthermore, a portion of the UKNS fleet and army (200,000/1,000,000 men) have been stationed here in order to keep the peace.
With a population of 900,000, Cleveland is much harder to take than the entire population of New Hampshire. While some stay behind in Cleveland, most go south and sweep over the entire eastern portion of Ohio. People living in West Virginia feel threatened, so they allow Treletian soldiers to stay in the counties bordering Ohio. In fact, West Virginia's northern 4 counties break away from WV and join Ohio. WV has an anarchy government, so nobody cares. We sweep over the southern portion of OH and start working up northwesterly. We've claimed every city other than Cleveland. We send 20,000 more soldiers into Cleveland, and Ohio seems to have stopped firing. A white flag is seen in the distance. They request that they get a Wisconsin Compromise, as it's being known as. We accept. Ohio & the 4 northern counties of WV are now part of Trelet. Military & population statistics coming soon.
TUN swiftly took over Wisconsin with little to no military aggression. Although shots were fired, Wisconsin citizens were met with fliers noting them that they can keep their independence and culture, but a percentage of their imports belong to TUN. The government of Wisconsin agrees, and they acknowledge the Federal government soon above them. The UNAF invaded Wisconsin through Lake Michigan and took Milwaukee with ease. Ships also came through Green bay, and through Lake Superior. Of course, there will be a minor revolt, but that should not be a problem, and the military will not act in aggression. Wisconsin will turn over to the Bill of Human Rights signed by TUN and follow TUN Constitution.
The 4 northern counties of WV (Marshall, Ohio, Brooke & Hancock) is now the state of Keystone (KE) POPULATION: OH - 8.25M KE - 175K Trelet Military Total, Pre-Merge: 377,500 members Northwestern Virginia "Group with Guns", Pre-Merge: 4,500 members Ohio Military Total, Pre-Merge: 200,000 members Trelet Military Total, Post-Merge: 582,000 members
TUN sends a small fleet of ships and troops to the Marshall Islands. The trip will take 5 posts and they will take over the islands. TUN does not wish to harm locals and will let them know that they can keep their independence and exports.
450,000 of the UFOS'S military storm through Paraguay(the only reason i sent so many is so nobody gets hurt)the Paraguan goverment surrenders peacefully and out of the 450,000 soldiers 440,000 came home now the UFOS is still dealing with some groups of citizens(mostly the families and friends of the corrupted goverment officials)that are opposing this so the UFOS is keeping 50,000 soldiers in Paraguy to keep order and efforts are being made to remake the paraguan goverment.Finally the UFOS Senate and House have agreed to Ratify the taken colonies act which prevents soldiers from harming paraguan citizens without just cause and it also allows Paraguy to keep their flag and their freedom while paying taxes and stuff like that to the military coming soon
UFOS is also wanting to take over the marshall Islands for their abundace of coconut oil for helping soothe piosen ivy(since there is a lot of it here in south america) maybe we can reach a agreement on sharing some of the coconut oil for something that we have?
oh and here are the post-war schematics pre-war army 550,000 war losses 10,000 post war army(with out the paraguan army)540,000 with the Paraguan army 600,000 sevicemen and women and 1.7 million on standby as reserves we are also starting to produce a abundance of food to help combat the starvation in South America as of right now the starvation levels are at 10% the UFOS Goverment is working on getting that to at least 2% if not lower
and the 10,000 men and women who died bravely fighting for their countries survival will be honored and buried in the National Federation Cemetary
Hmmm The UFOS is sending the idea of fighting the TUN for the islands to the goverment this will take one post(TUN doesn't know this)
TUN is suspicous of UFOS activity of wanting the island super badly. They doubt the UFOS's weaker force of troops could possibly do enough damage to the vast superiority of TUN, (which has arguably one of the best navy and air forces in the game). But, who knows? TUN would be ready for a war of the seas, easily.
UFOS is setting it's spies into high alert searching for any weaknesses in TUN and they have also dispatched spies to the Empire to try to steal their plans for the Supercarrier ship UFOS will find a weakness and when they do they will use it or...TUN could always make a trade deal with UFOS when we get the plans to the Empires supercarrier ship to trade perhaps?
TUN is not scared of the UFOS. The Federation is still in shambles, they are a developing nation with a poor economy and quite large, but weak military force. Their best bet is to back off from the Marshall islands and to avoid spying on TUN. Our technologies are now kept in extremely hidden locations, and plans are nearly impossible to obtain. If any of your spies are caught, we will NOT cease to torture, and or kill them. So here's your final warning: Back off from spying on me. If a war were to ever break out, indeed, the Hydrogen bombs TUN are keeping would be enough to cripple most of the UFOS with one blast... Economically that is.. Only the allies of TUN have the plans to the technologies of TUN, and even then they are extremely well protected. (out of game) That doesn't make sense, why would you trade supercarrier ships for coconut oil?? If UFOS behaves, maybe then TUN will trade resources with UFOS, but the marshall islands will never be in the hands of the Federation.
My spies know the risks and they are very Confident that they can evade capture well if your going to send a bomb at me before i get my hands on the tech for the supercarrier ships because after that if you send one at me i can shoot it out of the air and what would then happen is a EMP pulse that would destroy elctronics around the globe Crippling most of the major cities and destroying all military comminication and it would be worse for the bigger Countries then for me as my military doesn't use very much electronic communication
UFOS is now anoucing a nationwide disease watch as half of the population is now infected with some new type of disease and our top scientist are working on a cure they believe they will have one in 3 posts
Update on the situation with the unknown disease. UFOS's scientists have discovered a virus inside of crops that definitly is not native to south america and they have determind that this MUST have been put here by someone else we are looking into this very heavily and this disease has the symptoms of poison ivy the bad thing is that it can get inside of the body causing imense pain no deaths have been confirmed yet but if something doesn't happen soon the UFOS goverment fears this could turn into a worldwide plague
Except my B-52 bombers would be much above cloud level, and you would never know because I wouldn't let you.. And if it were to explode midair it would not cause any damage to our countries in the northern hemisphere.