Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. #HallowBrokeIt #HarryPotter
  2. Technically I didn't "break" anything, I just accidentally gave something to everybody that was meant for just me :D

    And yes my whole armor set has Harry Potter themed names :p Krysyy told me I had to otherwise I would be disowned. :eek:
    Sazukemono, Tuqueque, 607 and 6 others like this.
  3. now i want a snazzy hat xD
    SliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  4. Could have been worse, at least nobody tried to bring them to other servers <3
    607, JDHallows, We3_MPO and 1 other person like this.
  5. Had some fun on games with slvr after she followed a new player there :p

    (Whoops, scared them off :( )

    O.O shhh, nobody was supposed to know!! :eek:
  6. Ohh slvr, you can be hilarious, especially when I must not laugh so very hard.... poor new player :p
  7. I have to unlike these just to get to like them again
    (actually I just accidentally hit the unlike button thinking I haven't hit like yet but I'll go with that statement)
  8. Haha, that's great. :D xD
    NuclearBobomb and MoreMoople like this.
  9. know this aint staff related but this was just a omg moment
  10. 607, MoreMoople, Slvr and 3 others like this.
  11. Everyone! #JDbrokeit has an official date! Get your calendars ready to witness it!

  12. Sorry peeps, #JDbrokeit happened just now...
  13. #Classified
  14. According to this definition, #JDBrokeIt still hasn't happened yet... :p
  15. You "didnt" break anything cause of #goodpersonbooks =P otherwise #EconomyAndPvPandSurvival=broken would have happened and #blameJD =P <3 So yes, you did break it =P for a couple of minutes