and though it is more widely celebrated in the USA, it is Still Mexican in Origin.... not that I had said anything about Mexico, simply replied in the Spanish language, MR ! (Muchas Risas or LOL)
Cinco De Mayo did not come from Mexico mate... Chances are, it was invented by beer companies in America just for a day where they can make money... Mexican Independence day on the other hand, that is a Mexican holiday. That's Mexico's equal of America's "4th of July". There's very minimal meaning to Cinco De Mayo, but Mexican Independence day, on the other hand, there's a whole lot of meaning behind that, which is why I do not recognize the 5th of May as a holiday or anything special of any sorts...
Well your 3 years of EMC is in 2 days, and you said a Drop Party is a possibility, so maybe the announcement of the your 3 year drop party? But You also said about having 1 more digit than 5, so maybe is like the 50th anniversary of something. Of what I could find, and has not been mentioned is This beer anniversary: lol (but that is for all spring, and not a specific date) This was edited btw... It didnt had blue part first... Forgot to paste it in after typing the bellow... Cinco de Mayo is a day of a battle in Mexico where the Mexican Army beat the French Army in Puebla (1862). French were there because Mexico had not payed a debt they had. Negotiations were being made, but France invaded, so Mexico defended itself. Mexico came out victorious, so it is a national pride day. (It is not a off-work day in Mexico) As you said, many people confuse 5 de Mayo with Mexico's independence day from Spain which was on September 16, 1810. (Which is a holiday, as you said) And I do agree with you, there is a lot of tampering on the date by capitalism. Please note I am not Mexican nor a historian, so there might be some stuff wrong. (But) I do have a Mexican classmate, so hopefully I have payed enough attention to explain this
I'm sure you're having fun and learning something discussing Mexican holidays, but could you please keep the thread on topic? You can move it to a PM or one of your profile pages if you want to continue discussion. Thank you in advance.
So no... it is not about the 5th of may.... which i will not discuss further as anyone is welcome to google themselves silly... Nor, unfortunately, beer day... though i like the idea muchly... although there may be some pints of Ale and Bitter.... So yes. A missing digit... but on the other side... as in 25...
I just realize you didn't actually deny the first suggestion, you birthday. Silly me, thinking it hadn't been guessed yet . (Watch how this is going to be for something else now and me being overconfident) EDIT: Nevermind, I totally can read
You're very correct, unfortunately, Mexicans in Mexico do not find a major significance in it. If they did, they would have celebrated it long before America got their hands on it with sheer capitalism. I'm not kidding, go to Mexico, they do not find great significance in it like people up in America "think" they do... Mexican Independence day is quite major. Like how America goes nuts with 4th of July, they go nuts over their Independence, because they finally broke away from Spain, which, of course, was a major victory for them. It's magnitude of importance is very similar to how we broke away from Britain. It's justified that they still celebrate that, what happened with France, not so much... I'm sure that American culture has "leaked" over into Mexico and some might "celebrate it", that is, those northern Mexican cities. However, a majority of Mexico does not, because it was not that significant to them compared to their own independence as a country. I would know this, because my family is from Mexico and visits the other part of my family that's still in Mexico, frequently.
Not my bday no... tho it did just pass by on the third... ...but this is sooooo close... in soooo many ways...
EMC's 2500th day. I can't check because I am on mobile atm, but I vaguely remember this comming up sometime soon
A really I am looking forward to this. Hope it stands up Ok with a good story. But not going on opening day...