And keep guessing the rest of you... some nice attempts.. but no correct answers yet... But its another day nearer...
I feel trolled after scrolling through that post, expecting something to actually be explained there, but instead finding your signature . And my guess... erm... since what I would have thought has already been guessed, I would say maybe eat what you want day?
So what happens on May 26th at 6:49 P.M.? There must be a reason the poll closes at that specific of a day and time. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say a family member's birthday.
Alas, I could never hope to become the Egg that you have grown to be.... would be an unattainable dream...
And of course Haas in all his wisdom is on to something here.... Not the right something mind you.... But getting warmer.. hehe Of course that does sound like an interesting day as well Haas. What do you choose to eat?
doh!! and soo close. Just missing a digit! Pero eso fue un muy buen intento mi amigo. Y es un buen feriado para celebrar! So anyhow... Drop Party is a possibility...