[EVENT] The Temple of Time

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Eviltoade, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Welcome to The Temple of Time
    an Eviltoade Exclusive Event

    A terrible earthquake unearthed a hidden temple beneath the swamps of Utopia. After months of excavation, its secrets will finally be revealed....

    On January 13th, 8 PM EMC Time, an epic adventure unravels. Will you be brave enough to travel into the future to save the world?

    Saturday, January 13th
    8 PM EMC Time
    TBA - Multiple Locations
    Chest Hunt, Mystery, Drop Party

    The prizes for this event are quite extensive - items from my private collection as well as items generously donated by the community will be given away.

    Total prize estimates given away at my events to Date: 24,850,000

    Previous Event: Click Me
    Read the ToT Event Journal: Click Me
    Donate to the Event: Click Me

    Hope to see you all there, your friend, ET
  2. Yay! (reading now)

    beneath the swamps of Utopia"
    Correct me if im wrong but Can't only supporters enter the wild on utopia?
    We3_MPO and Eviltoade like this.
  3. Way excited about this!!! <3
    We3_MPO and Eviltoade like this.
  4. AAAA so excited!

    EDIT- 25 MILLION in prizes?! Count me in!
    We3_MPO and Eviltoade like this.
  5. I think the 25 million is Ever across all his events
    We3_MPO and Eviltoade like this.
  6. What’s the ever?
    Edit- total is what you mean i get it now.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  7. Hey I know that location like the underside of my foot. I was fishing right at that river the other week when out of the blue a bright light appeared. I didn't know what was going on, could of been a new mob for all I knew. So I jumped into a hole and covered myself up in a small one torch lit man made ditch hole. The next day I emerged and to my wondering eyes I saw the most spectacular sight. It was a glowing Toade floating in the air. I reached for my net to catch it but before I could I was spotted by that glowing Toade. The next thing I knew I was smack dab back at spawn with an inventory of fish and a written book that said "If you want to sleep with the fishies go ahead and say something.". So I kept my mouth shut but it looks like the Toade as spilled the beans and I'm no longer under orders to keep my lips zipped.
    586, 607, Sazukemono and 1 other person like this.
  8. Wooohoooo! I shall be there! =D looks awesome!!!
    607, Sazukemono and Eviltoade like this.
  9. Coming if a Toade head is a prize (and if my mom isn't home)
    q1zx and Eviltoade like this.
  10. Let's just hope no more Blizz spawn in there :p
    Eviltoade likes this.
  11. No, the temple is in a different smp

    Edit: Sounds fun! It is on a Wednesday :( I can’t make it :(

    Edit Edit: Hmmm I am dumb...
    Eviltoade likes this.
  12. and a dp too? so much fun!
    Eviltoade and MoreMoople like this.
  13. This event is on a saturday, and what you may not know about the temple of time.......it can show up in multiple locations in different time lines.....
  14. Totally coming to this if I can!

    yet another time and space traveling adventure...
    only my 3rd one this month not just in minecraft lol
    SkeleTin007, Eviltoade and MoreMoople like this.
  15. What it says:
    Welcome to The Temple of Time
    an Eviltoade Exclusive Event

    A terrible earthquake unearthed a hidden temple beneath the swamps of Utopia. After months of excavation, its secrets will finally be revealed....

    On January 13th, 8 PM EMC Time, an epic adventure unravels. Will you be brave enough to travel into the future to save the world?

    Saturday, January 13th
    8 PM EMC Time
    TBA - Multiple Locations
    Chest Hunt, Mystery, Drop Party

    The prizes for this event are quite extensive - items from my private collection as well as items generously donated by the community will be given away.

    Total prize estimates given away at my events to Date: 24,850,000
    What we see:


    ** ************* ******************

    ***************** Drop Party

    The prizes for this event are quite extensive - items from my private collection as well as items generously donated by the community will be given away.

    Total prize estimates given away at my events to Date: 24,850,000
  16. Huzzah!!! I am so down for this :)
    Eviltoade and MoreMoople like this.
  17. although I don't fall under this category that's true tbh
    586, Eviltoade and q1zx like this.
  18. OOOH so thats what the thing is;)
    cant wait
    MoreMoople and Eviltoade like this.
  19. Seems fun! I don’t know if I can make it yet but I will try to :)
    MoreMoople and Eviltoade like this.
  20. I like your events! But is it in the wild of a different SMP or the Utopia town? Because only gold/diamond supporters (and EMC staff, of course) can enter the non-town Utopia worlds.
    MoreMoople and Eviltoade like this.