Winter Event - 2017 | Skyfrost

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by B4DMAN5IMON, Dec 16, 2017.

  1. Completed and submitted. and I did have the bonus phrase correct, before I found the clues. Just think Christmas. :p

    Excellent build had fun.
    CDJS likes this.
  2. This bonus phrase is rough
    CDJS and ColPun like this.
  3. Whats rough was coming down at 5am in the morning to see CDJS with 5 cups of tea surrounding her making all of this grumbling to herself while satanic sounding christmas music played in the background.
  4. Sounds like the perfect Christmas.
  5. I know me another another fellow Pokémon lover will defiantly be taking part in the fishing derby ! ^-^/ happy holidays and thanks for the fun events !
  6. Satanic Christmas music? This intrigues me.
    Harp4Christ likes this.
  7. its supposed to be like old chior music in italian chapels or something but when you hear it coming up the stairs it sounds like some satanic humming
  8. Its all so beautiful! Merry christmas everyone :D
    TuckerAmbr, CDJS and Roslyn like this.
  9. Any hints for the bonus phrase? I've spent over half an hour trying to figure it out and have gotten nowhere.
  10. This is so awesome! Great job, build team!
  11. The event will be up for a while so you've got time.
  12. Say, who has what numbers on the fish derby? :p Could we get a leaderboard on this?
  13. Oh noez, he's going to burn down our houses:p
    Roslyn, CDJS and Jelle68 like this.
  14. Silly I still haven't seem the end result as I have been really bussy in real life lately... Let's hope it's here untill the 30'th. (The date at wich I am planning to come home again)
    It's finally there :D
  15. It will be
    Jelle68 likes this.
  16. Seriously, how do you do these builds. Some very talented people on this server.
    Eclipsys likes this.
  17. What is the planned last day for this event?
  18. January 2nd I believe
  19. Is this stil a thing?
    cubefragment likes this.