[AKA] Ask Krysyy Anything 10/9/17

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. If you had to choose 2 other staff members to be stuck on a deserted island with for one month, who would you choose and why?
    Equinox_Boss and TomvanWijnen like this.
  2. Take it slow.

    It's really easy to get caught up in trying to do too much too fast. Don't start off building a mega-mall just because you see other players with them. Instead start with a small shop, and work your way up. You are less likely to get overwhelmed, and therefore more likely to enjoy actually playing. You don't even really need to go to a shop for your first materials. Treat the wastelands as your personal free store and go collect an entire inventory of stone to use instead of buying it from a shop. The journey is a part of the game, so don't skip chapters.
  3. Aikar for one. He' d likely be able to hack into some roaming satellite and get us help via drones ;)

    The other would have to be....
    Eviltoade. While we'd be in panic mode, toade would never let our attitude get down. I've never even known him to frown when I've seen him. That and he has a young boy so I'm pretty sure he pays attention with boy scouts or something.

    So the hacker and the boy scout. Enough said :cool:
  4. We all know and love our EMC custom mobs. (Marlix, Momentus, Netherhounds, Super Turkeys, Blizz Ard, enraged guardians/mobs) Is there any though being put toward adding more? How about an 'enraged squid' called "Kraken"?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Wow, this AKA is receiving a lot more questions than most AMAs! :p

    Who do you miss most, of the players having left EMC? If you still talk to them every once in a while through other means, or they log into the website every now and again, you can of course still miss their presence. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Thought is always being put into more. Aikar once said he wanted an enraged version of every type of mob. We're definitely working on using what Minecraft java makes available for us to modify and create custom mobs.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and Hoops_McCann like this.
  7. I miss kevdudeman. I think he's still around, but that guy was the reason my sheep farm and the TARDIS shop was a success. He was my first employee to earn the diamond block of shearing and he just overall is an amazing person. I've had the privilege to see him grow up and mature since he's been around and my partner in builds for a while, but he's not really on EMC frequently anymore.
    Equinox_Boss, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  8. HOW COULD YOU?!?!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. I want to lay it on me here Krysyy,

    Late 2015 to early 2016 was a very tough year for most of us and a changing point for EMC... What advise do you have for me for the future? (I know not using illegal mods are one of them)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. You might want to work on your grammar some more ;)

    However, in all seriousness, my advice for you in the future is to stay true to yourself. The primary issues I honestly see with players occur after they let themselves be swayed mentally by another person's mindset. If you surround yourself with negative people, then you will find that you will become more negative yourself. If instead you choose to focus on those that make you happy and bring positivity, then you will also begin to radiate positivity to those around you. As a player on EMC, the most I can ask from anyone is that they try their best to not let themselves be caught up in drama that isn't theirs, nor sarcastic insults that seem ever prevalent on the internet these days.

    You've been banned at least once before, so you know that we have no tolerance for breaking the rules. My other advice would be that if you are ever unclear about a rule, then simply just ask. I don't bite (don't let the vampire teeth fool ya).
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. I am just going to be splitting up your quote because I do want to talk about them. Sorry, more reading for you lol
    This has been a struggle, as well as spelling. I have been working on it actively. Most what I post is more of a rough draft than anything. :p
    Here is a slight issue, my current situations with (some) players is they don't understand my loud personality and keep away. It has been dimmed down since my ban but still prevalent. I have taken steps to combat this, focusing on more playful interactions than to focus on being rude or obnoxious. I can say with a badge of honor that I have been looking for different players to "mingle" on other servers and so far it has been working. I moved away from smp7 to smp6, and trying to press the reset button. Do you think these are steps for better mindset?

    I still have old friendships which are nice to have. That alone has been a reoccurring problem. These guys/gals have been in my life more than a year some closer than others and I keep seeing drama around them. I'd rather be a middle ground man but I am not afraid to speak out when I see something wrong with that party that is the issue. Would you consider, not saying anything at all?
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  13. Mingling with new people always helps to bring a fresh outlook on your own character flaws. You might find that what your 'normal' communication with your buddies of 1+ years is comes across as rude, or obnoxious as you put it. Seeing the way a different group of people interacts is always going to be a positive thing for your overall perception and self-awareness of mindset.

    Everyone has drama. Being a friend to someone for a long period of time just makes them comfortable with sharing that drama with you. I do advise you not to get caught up in the drama as if it were your own. A saying that is used in a song I fell in love with recently is 'Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy'. Yes, extremely southern I know. However, it's mostly saying that the drama of other people is not your own. You mind your own problems and stay out of others, and you will likely find a better outlook. You don't need to tell them when they are wrong. They will burn their own biscuits with or without you. Don't let focusing on theirs result in yours being burnt as well. No one likes burnt biscuits.
  14. Do you like Turtles or Cats more?

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. I think all your alts are krysyyjane9191, GreenKrysyy and PurpleKrysyy.
    What was your first reaction to EMC when you first came?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. What on earth possessed you to think it was a good idea to let the bird have any responsibility?

    Also, why don't you appreciate my incredible puns?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Cats, and I have 2 of them =)
    Equinox_Boss and MoreMoople like this.
  18. I thought it was really awesome to have a protected plot to do whatever I wanted with. I hadn't even played Minecraft before then so all my experiences are really your standard 'omg you can punch trees to get wood' type.
    Equinox_Boss, MoreMoople and 607 like this.
  19. The bird can be very professional, but also knows how to have fun and relax. It's an important trait in any staff member.

    I appreciate your puns, but not ones that Moose has already used before. I've been living with him for nearly 6 years. I've heard way too many puns. A well placed and well timed pun is magnificent. Overdoing it is just torture.
    Tbird1128, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  20. If you had to abolish Casinos or Public farms what one would you choose and why ?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.