Post your rupee balances (if you want to)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by triphora, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Yes I used to do much killing, not so much anymore as I usually have enraged and bosses off.
    AncientTower likes this.
  2. The reason why people keep their fund private is many people tend to beg or constantly ask for items and or funds. Then there are the issues where if someone knows you have the funds, they will charge higher for work or items, just coz you have more funds.... then there is the fact of people who ask for donations, and when you say no, or your saving for a current project then people take it and say you have the funds and dont want to help them.
  3. While I have very few since I don't like the wilderness nor going alone so! haha
    ThaKloned and AncientTower like this.

  4. Everyone else has so many tokens
  5. I'm the total opposite. Since day 4 I've been mostly in the wilderness. Freedom and openness!
  6. I guess I'm ok putting my stuff up too.

  7. Daaaaannngg
    Tuqueque and mjnoe70 like this.
  8. Tuqueque and AncientTower like this.
  9. Yep, soon.
  10. So uh, why are the rupee balance and token balance a size bigger than the rest eh?
  11. lol, it's legit dude.
  13. So either you two never vote or you have found a way to unload tons of tokens! In 7 months of voting (not even every site every day) I have more tokens than you 2 combined!?!?!? ...and note both of you have been on this server a long time.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  14. clearly, i beat all u pheasants


  15. Forensic testing shows that one has a slightly larger zoom than the other so all things are a bit larger on TuckerAmbr's post. Try changing your zoom from 100% to say 110%.
  16. You're starting to hurt me. The rupee balance and token balances are different from the rest for everyone, it looks just like AncientTower's. You ok?
    607, AncientTower and FadedMartian like this.
  17. Good detective work.
    607, Vortixin and mjnoe70 like this.
  18. I guess this is the Official Post Your Balances thread.

  19. My balance mehh
    Nickblockmaster and AncientTower like this.
  20. Right, but I also am a full time college student along with working full time! I don't really play that much anymore, when Tokens came out I wasn't even playing at the time being I has helping with family matters and such. I don't really see a need for me to have tokens since I'm more of an old school player to be honest.