100k Giveaway!!!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by KingofKraft13, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. if you look at this forum more than HALF the ppl on here support
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  2. How I love EMC, Its just Awesome. With its Lovely Guide, Its Fair Rules, Everybody gets to do a part of being a community. Opening a Shop for instance, Or just showing off some Nice Structure you built :D We all get the same size slot and we are always kind to eachother :) Unlike most servers, Ive seen admins that cant be a good Admin at all. But until I reached EMC, I read its guide, Saw how the Server acts, Permissions to your resident slot making it Ungriefable, It was just perfect to me to Stay :D. I just wanted to say, Im very thankful for this server, I would just stay in Singleplayer if Empireminecraft didnt exsist.

    With all its Joy these 10 servers had to me, Its always a fun day at EMC :)

    Edit: I have not read all the comments so I dont know at all if the money was passed out or something, Either way, I just wanted to say this anyways :D
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  3. T
    Try 600k ........
  4. From personal experience, he certainly did try to kill me. Since KofK13 was selling a lot of used picks at one time, I think you might be lying still. It would be kind of hard to leave that behind if you were one of the people who had an encounter with him wouldn't you think? There are a ton of people who caused a lot less trauma and have not been allowed back. If I were AntonioLovex3, I'd be very grateful. The least you could do is Like my post.
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  5. I love it 'cuz it's EMC dammit. I'll put more latter.
    Crazy1800, Crazy1080 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. I would try to recall each and every person I wronged as Antonio and use my 100k to make it up to them. That's bad karma there. And no I'm not speaking for myself. I'm talking about the kids that were probably too young to understand they were being mugged or too panicked to get a screenshot.
  7. ummm like which post? the one where i look bad? or the one where i look worse? i am thankful to the mods and admins and i already apologized to you i dont think i need to do anything else. and i sold alot of unused picks to get to where i am :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  8. but you were the 1st and only one i did that to........ i know you wont ever believe or forgive me but we all gotta move on somehow :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  9. ok guys can we get back to what we were suppose to do and say why we love this server better than any other server :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  10. Where did you apologize to me? Please post a link. And it already looked bad for those who know what happened, I'm just making a point that people who did what you did, and many who did less are never, ever allowed back. Giving away 100k in a popularity contest isn't a way to atone for that.
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  11. wow that's really good i cant wait to see who ends up winning :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  12. i apologized when i was antoniolovex3 and i will look for that link right away sir :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  13. how do you know im giving away 100k because of that lol that was long ago and i forgot about it, are you a mind reader?
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  14. Then you are saying you haven't and don't intend to even try to make up for it? No remorse?
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  15. what?!! im confused now :/ i do feel bad for it but not as bad because i never killed you and u didnt lose any items sooo again i am sorry and i guess i can put up with this til the thread is over at 10 pm central time so keep on going pab i can go all day well not today cuz i have to clean up my room lol and reorganize alot of stuff :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  16. It is kinda unfair that you guys are saying this. Because even if they weren't part of it you would still get out-liked by a active community member who isn't a supporter. I don't know what is with these new members and being disrespectful towards supporters. I assure you it won't help you become a well liked member in this community. The fact is that the likes are because they are known members of the community, not because they are supporter.
  17. yes we need to move on but he will never let it go :/ so lets just ignore and enjoy :)
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  18. Still waiting for that link to the apology you said you made...
    Crazy1800 and Crazy1080 like this.
  19. smile3 says let it go. It is better to forgive and forget than to hold a grudge for years.